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    渥太华-多伦多 渥太华 to 多伦多、魁北克、蒙特利尔等城市 。旅游包车, 机场接送,搬家等服务

    渥太华 to 多伦多、魁北克、蒙特利尔, 美国 等城市。旅游包车, 机场接送,搬家等服务 渥太华周边旅游、千岛湖旅游、尼亚加拉大瀑布等包车旅游。 7人座大VAN,司机有28年北美驾驶经验。 647 713 9288 613 898 3588
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    want one
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    多伦多-渥太华 Toronto <-> Ottawa, Aug 16 Friday <-> Aug 18 Sunday

    Carpool Toronto to Ottawa Friday Aug 16, 2013, 11:00 AM Scarborough Town Center Pickup Drop off: Bayshore Shopping Center $30 (max 3 passenger, comfortable seats) Please call 613-898-3588 Carpool Ottawa to Toronto Sunday Aug 18, 2013, 11:00 AM Downtown/Bayshore Shopping Center Pickup Drop off...
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    carpool offer Toronto to Ottawa - April 8 at noon

    Pick up: Scarborough town Center Time: 12:00PM Drop off: Bay shore shopping center or china Town please call: 613 898 3588
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    寻星期四下午 Ottawa toToronto Carpool, Oct 14

    Please call 613 898 3588
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    Carpool Offer: Toronto <--> Ottawa June 30, 2010.

    Carpool Offer: Toronto to Ottawa June 30, 2010. Leave Toronto: 12:00 Pickup: Scarborough Town Center Drop off: China Town From Ottawa to Toronto July 1, 2010 Leave Ottawa: 10:00 am Pickup: China town or Bayshore Shopping Center Drop off: Scarborough Town Center Please call 613 898 3588
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    Carpool Ottawa --> Toronto Sunday, June 20, 2010

    Carpool Offer, Ottawa ==> Toronto, Sunday, June 20, 2010. Pickup: China town Please contact: 613 898 3588
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    寻Ottawa <--> Toronto May 6 to May 9

    looking for carpool Ottawa to Toronto leaving May 6 afternoon Also looking for carpool Toronto to Ottawa May 9 Please contact 613 898 3588 after 4PM
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    Carpool: Sunday May 2, Ottawa to Toronto

    Carpool Offer: Sunday May 2, 2010 Ottawa to Toronto Pick up: Ottawa China Town Price: $30 per person Phone: 613 898 3588
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    Carpool Toronto -> Ottawa, Friday April 30, 2010

    Friday April 30, 2010 Toronto to Ottawa Time: 12:00PM Pickup: Scarborough Town Center Drop off: China town Ottawa $30 per person Please call: 613 898 3588
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    Carpool: Toronto to Ottawa on April 30, 2010

    Friday April 30, 2010 Toronto to Ottawa Pickup: Scarborough Town Center Drop off: China town Ottawa $30 per person Please call: 613 898 3588
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    Ride offer, April 18, ottawa to toronto

    ride offer, April 18, Ottawa to Toronto, please contact 613 898 3588 Toyota Highlander (SUV) Pickup: Chinatown and surrounding area Drop down: Scarborough Town Center Max 4 people including the driver $25 per person
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    car pool offer toronto to ottawa on April 15, ottawa to Toronto April 18

    please email or call 647 869 6932 time, pickup and drop off location is flexible