
  1. F

    Riverside(Lycee) 1551, 两室一厅 次卧招租(限男生)

    Riverside 1551 两室一厅 次卧招租(限男生) 租期:10月起 设施:带简单家具和厨房用品,公寓有洗衣房,健身房,室内和室外泳池 交通:97,98,87等公交车15分钟到渥大;104路20分钟到卡大;45路5分钟到医院 多辆公交车 5分钟可直达Billings bridge购物中心 有沃尔玛,independent等超市 客厅和主卧是两名渥大2017年的CSC博士生。次卧是一名联培博士生,10月中旬回国。 有意者请加微信:793185485
  2. D

    Room to Share in a 3 bedroom townhouse near Billingsbridge Mall

    Unfurnished Room and share of whole furnished house, Free Wifi, Laundry, home gym, I am looking for male to sublet a room and also will use the whole whole. A non-smoker, clean, not a heavy drinker, either a student or working full-time. You will need to get your own bed, dresser and work table...
  3. teddyisabear

    Riverside Apartment 大房间出租

    一个可以说是渥太华最方便的区域:Riverside Drive,离billings bridge只需走路三分钟就可以到达。 坐落在渥太华中心位置,去任何区域都十分方便。Billings bridge里面设施齐全,有TD Bank, CIBC Bank, Independent, 还有各种商店,可以满足各种不同的需求。 不远处还有billings bridge station,是渥太华的大站,坐公交车去任何地方都会很方便。离Carleton University和Ottawa University都很近,所以上学也很方便。...