
  1. 【接妆】日常妆&欧美妆&cosplay妆面

    本人妆龄8年,主要是cosplay妆为主,日常也可接其他妆面 以下图片是本人妆面和模特妆面 cosplay妆: 场妆38,正片43 (这俩想做手术+3 日常妆 33 (需睫毛和双眼皮贴+3 欧美妆 39 跟妆+8/时 联系电话:3439888915 (尽量发短信哈~ 微信:tenny5441520(备注所需妆面~
  2. Kids skates costumes, toys, high chair, bathtub

    Boy skates size 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13; gently used. Costumes: pumpkin, 6 months, Buzzlight year and Transformers (Bumblebee) 3 years Truck set and cars, and other toys High Chair and infant bathtub All first hand. Best offer. Please qqh if interested.