
  1. info.BlaiseRyan

    Reduce Fluid Retention and Let Go of Feeling Puffy

    Feeling bloated, puffy, or heavy? Fluid retention can result from circulation issues, hormonal changes, or even diet, but acupuncture helps your body remember how to metabolize fluids efficiently, no matter what the issue is. By improving circulation and supporting kidney and lymphatic...
  2. F

    认清中风症状, 及时救治生命

    中风是加拿大的第三大杀手,每年有超过1万3千人死于中风。中风是造成严重残疾和住院的主要原因。但是许多人不懂识辨症状及即时采取适当行动的重要性,导致失去挽救生命的机会,或导致严重残疾。 加国华人对中风症状的认识相对较低,尤其是新移民。心脏及中风基金会鼓励大家了解中风症状和正确的处理步骤,以在危急关头时帮助亲友。中风是医疗急症,可以在没有任何先兆下及在任何年龄的人身上发生。 识辨中风症状有一口诀 ”FAST”:脸部(Face) 面歪嘴斜;双臂(Arms) 手臂无力;说话(Speech) 口齿不清;如有以上症状,便需要把握时间(Time),立即拨打911求助。...
  3. Space inside a Karate Club available for rent

    My sons' Karate Club has one room for rent. It is 1250 sq ft. $22.50/sq. ft. (plus HST). If you are interested, please contact Sensei James: 613-599-5959.