
  1. F

    Meadowland and Merivale 附近. 2 rooms for rent. 月租420.00 to 435.00

    安静 干净 明亮 木地板 半独立屋的楼上2个房间出租。月租420.00 to 435.00,水电网暖全包,有家具,还可免费停车在车道。公车有 86 111 路直达三高校 (Carleton University, Ottawa University, and Algonquin college)。Walking distance to many shopping centers. Meadowland and Merivale 附近. 请联络 E--mail: Phone: 613-240-5921 Thank you!
  2. 月亮上嗑瓜子

    @@@@@近Prince of Walse 三室两厅两卫高档公寓整租@@@@@

    地址:900 Dynes Rd. 时间:最早12月中旬即可入住 地理位置极佳,就在prince of wales&Meadowlands, 开车5分钟到carleton,10分钟到Algonquin,12分钟到Ottawa U。 downtown,Kanata,Barrhaven渥太华全城任何地方不超过15分钟车程。 楼下公车117, 111, 3, 73, 16。中餐,泰餐,河粉,Tim Hortons,麦当劳,shoppers,银行,超市...
  3. Spacious 5 Bedroom Meadowlands Perfect for Carleton & Algonquin

    Address: 1241 Meadowlands Dr East, K2E 6K4 Available Jan 2017! 5 Bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms house available for family or 5 students. $2200/month, average $440 per person only. Tenants pay the utilities (water, gas, hydro ). Ideal for Carleton U and Algonquin students, Located in a...