有床單,棉被,保護寶寶的bumper pads,還有床的裙子
(bed sheet, blanket, bumper pads and bed skirt)
九成新 因為寶寶不睡床 只和媽媽睡
Almost new because my son hardly sleeps in his crib
It comes with matching stickers and matching floor mat
如果有興趣,請回信給我! sandysmithottawa@gmail.com
If you are interested, please e-mail me at sandysmithottawa@gmail.com
有床單,棉被,保護寶寶的bumper pads,還有床的裙子
(bed sheet, blanket, bumper pads and bed skirt)
九成新 因為寶寶不睡床 只和媽媽睡
Almost new because my son hardly sleeps in his crib
It comes with matching stickers and matching floor mat
如果有興趣,請回信給我! sandysmithottawa@gmail.com
If you are interested, please e-mail me at sandysmithottawa@gmail.com