1.The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, Brian Kernighan.(new)
此书为C语言的圣经.C语言之必学之书.原价$59.95 + tax, 现卖$49.00.
2.C++Programming Langage,3rd edition, Bjarne (almost new)
最著名的C++教学用书,作者系C++的创始人. 原价$62.95 + tax, 现卖$49.00
3.wireless Communications Principles & Practice, Theodore Rappaport(almost new). 原价$137.95 +tax, 现卖$70.00
4.ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, 4th edition, William Stallings. 原价$118.95 + tax, 现卖$40.
此书为C语言的圣经.C语言之必学之书.原价$59.95 + tax, 现卖$49.00.
2.C++Programming Langage,3rd edition, Bjarne (almost new)
最著名的C++教学用书,作者系C++的创始人. 原价$62.95 + tax, 现卖$49.00
3.wireless Communications Principles & Practice, Theodore Rappaport(almost new). 原价$137.95 +tax, 现卖$70.00
4.ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, 4th edition, William Stallings. 原价$118.95 + tax, 现卖$40.