about EI

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<HTML>If I have worked for more than one year, then I resign and go back school, and I can not find a job when I graduate, what can I do about EI?
<HTML>If you resigned, you are not qualified for EI, which is for lay-off employees only.</HTML>
<HTML>If you resigned for school, you must be a graduate student.
If you hold a master degree or up, why not go back to china.
China has lots of money since she has olympics:)</HTML>
<HTML>First, when you claim EI, the HRDC only count the work hours and rates you have worked within 52 weeks. Can it be possible for you to claim EI?
Second, when you recieve EI, you can't go to school. EI is for those people who are capability for work and are seaching job. When you go to school, you are not qualified for EI reciever.</HTML>
<HTML>Jane,you sure about that?
You know,I really need cash and almost broken due to the fucking
NORTEL stock.
Do u know any website I can check the EI info regarding school things? Thank you so much.</HTML>
<HTML>If you resign, your Record of Employment will show that, you can't get EI from the job because of resign, but some jobs in the school might be work, if you get some record of employment from when you leave the job, and the reason in the record of employment shows lay off or fire, there are some letters represent those reason in the record of employment, I am not so sure.</HTML>
<HTML>And you can just go to Lincoln Field Height, there is a Human Resource Department there, you can ask them the questions, or just apply for EI from the computer there, they will tell you if you are qualified for that or not, it's not complicated.</HTML>
<HTML>go to the website at http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ei-ae/employment_insurance.shtml. you can see all details.
go to Ottawa Centre Human Resources Centre of Canada
300 Laurier W, Mall Level 2, L'Esplanade Laurier, Ottawa, ON
you can apply your EI on the computer system and get reply whether you are qualified or not after talking with somebody within 1 hour.</HTML>