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[FONT=' '][FONT=宋体]我几乎赢了超速告票[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=' '][FONT=宋体]牧羊人的博客[/FONT][/FONT]


[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']2012-01-10 21:44:19[/FONT][/FONT]

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[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']从法庭出来妻对我说:”到家好好奖励你“。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']时针回转九个月,在春光明媚的六号路上妻和我正瞎聊着,后面的警灯亮了。‘倒霉’,心里嘀咕着把车停到路边,主动招呼走到乘客侧窗外的大胡子警察:”警官好“。”限速八十、你开一一三。车主证和保险“,大胡子面无表情。我一想不妙,碰上个难缠的。拿上文件回到警车里,五分钟后大胡子再回来时手里已多了一张黄色告票。”罚款两百四,扣四点,注意安全。“;[/FONT][FONT=' ']”谢谢“,我不动声色地接过所有文件。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]注意事项一:不要和警察纠缠[/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]对警察态度热情是因为这样可能省了后面的麻烦。一次我因为换线过急被拦,一声热情的”[/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]Good Morning Officer“让警察脸上的青春痘都笑出了花,说了声‘今后注意’就完事儿了,当时我那个乐呦。但如果警官铁面无私则一定不要纠缠,这是因为:1)警察对你的印象越轻对你越有利,因为你说的任何东西都可以成为检方的证据;2)过多纠缠可能惹其他麻烦。[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']还是春光明媚的六号路,只是妻的嘴撅起来了,我则是越想越气。‘我跟别的车速度差不多凭神马偏相中了我?再说了,咱也没超三十三呀?!’,一拍方向盘“打官司!”[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']在上诉期限的最后一天(你会看到为什么),到法庭办公室交了出庭选项、[/FONT][FONT=' ']并要求出庭时配国语翻译,[/FONT][FONT=' ']剩下的就是等了。[/FONT][/FONT]


[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']一个月后出庭通知到了,在日历上放一个提示,把通知放到文件夹里就不管了。离出庭前七星期,向检察官办公室发了一封《信息公开要求》挂号信。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]注意事项三:要求检察官信息公开([/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]Information Disclosure)[/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]信息公开让你知道:[/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]1)对你的指控有无漏洞;2)检察官是否有其他对你不利的证据。信息公开要求的内容包括警察的任何笔录、测速仪的型号及用户手册、警察受训证书、测速仪的维修及校队记录,最后一定加一句“and any documents the Crown may rely on the trial"。[/FONT][FONT=KaiTi_GB2312]另外,如果检察官不能满足你的任何要求、要求书面解释。信里只提供你的通信地址、不要提供电话或电子信箱,为的是检察官的回复只能是信函。信要挂号,出庭前六到八星期发出。[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']出庭前的那个周末把所有材料整理了一下。告票本身资料完整、没有错拼或遗漏,检察官对我的《信息公开要求》也及时回复了,但没有提供我要求的‘测速仪用户手册、维修及校对记录、警察受训证书’等且无解释。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']出庭那天用的是[/FONT][FONT=' ']Persoanl Day[/FONT][FONT=' '](每年公司有六天,可用来作为族裔节假日或用作其它个人理由)。到庭上一看警察、翻译全来了,有点儿扫兴。开庭前检察官建议给我减到超速二十五(罚款一百九,扣三点),被我一口回绝。接着庭审开始,被控人一个个上庭,个个认罪,所以进行得很快。轮到我被问‘认不认罪’时,我没有回答、而是向法官提出了‘中止诉讼[/FONT][FONT=' '] - Stay Of Proceedings[/FONT][FONT=' ']’的要求,理由是检察官信息公开不完整。检察官则辩解说我有些要求太晚、他们没有足够时间回复(有些要求我寄给了警察局、警察局又转给了检察官)。法官建议另择庭审日期,我稍微坚持了一下但看到法官面露不悦也就同意了。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']回家的路上有点意兴阑珊,本想早点把案子结了、现在还得折腾一回。胡思乱想着脑子突然闪过一个东西、激动地大喊一声“有戏呀!”[/FONT][/FONT]


[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']离开庭前两星期给检察官发出了要求其撤诉的挂号信,同时将此信传真给联邦和省总检察长办公室备考(我这里犯了一个错误,底下会详述)。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']二次庭审时妻坚持同去给我打气。到庭上一看警察、翻译又全来了,妻笑话我‘等着掏钱吧’,我则不动声色,登记时告知检察官我要用[/FONT][FONT=' ']Charter[/FONT][FONT=' '](权利法案)抗诉。庭审开始后又是个个认罪,中间女检察官(这次共有两个检察官)把我的翻译叫了出去,翻译回来后拿了包又出去了。这时该轮到我了,检察官要求书记员呼叫翻译,正觉得有戏,翻译又回来了。[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']女检察官陈述了我[/FONT][FONT=' ']Charter[/FONT][FONT=' ']的要求,但是通过法官向我询问是否将此要求在联邦和省总检察长办公室备考,我回答是;检察官又要求我出示凭证,我回答省总检察长办公室已向我打电话核实;[/FONT][FONT=' ']检察官强调有案例显示可核实文件的必要性;我只好向法官实话实说:“我当时认为有省总检察长办公室的电话已经足够了”;法官开始表态。他认为我的抗辩需检察官认可([/FONT][FONT=' ']Consent)[/FONT][FONT=' '],但也意识到法律不是我的职业。这时检察官有些慌乱,要求休庭。[/FONT][/FONT]


[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']休庭时检察官提议减到超速十五(罚款六十,不扣点),我感觉再审胜负难卜、犹豫了一下就答应了。回到旁听席上正有点彷徨,一个秃头律师助理[/FONT][FONT=' ']paralegal[/FONT][FONT=' '](其实上庭的至少有三分之一是[/FONT][FONT=' ']paralegal[/FONT][FONT=' '])凑过来对我说:“干得漂亮。他们至多给我减至三点”。因为又开庭了,我向他点头致谢。[/FONT][/FONT]



[FONT=宋体][FONT=' ']出来后觉得有点飘飘然。因为结果比她预选好很多,妻也很兴奋,所以说了文章开头那一席话。[/FONT][/FONT]

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[FONT=' ']注一: 现在感觉检察官把翻译叫出去是想让她躲出去以保留检察官的面子,但翻译跟雇主通话后决定出庭。
注二: 我的交通法律知识来自下面这个网站:
[FONT=' ']http://fyst.ca[/FONT][/FONT]
1. The best is NOT to '超速', then no such problem.
How? If you are NOT familiar with the place/city, SLOW is better than fast, also read those speed limit signs (in Quebec, there is a minimum car speed on Highway, and in fact this makes sense!).
If your car has CRUISE control, that is the best tool to help you to drive at a speed set by driver. If you are a good driver, you can use your foot to control the speed.
2. What LZ wrote was how to beat that '超速' case using loop holes in the system. Please note that Ontario is different from Quebec. In Quebec, if you appeal, policeman doesn't have to show up (to collect OT), but in Ontario, policeman has to show up (and most of them collect OT, at least two hours). In the past, if policeman made some mistakes in the TICKET, the case will be dropped, but that was FIXED back in nineties.
3. Besides speeding, some drivers actually DON'T understand some highway acts, like ROLLING stop, or failed to stop at STOP sign, or RUNNING Yellow light, or Change lane without signaling, or Follow too closely, or when driving over MERIDAN when entering/exiting Highway or failed to move and stop your car to either leftmost or rightmost curb when there is Police/Fire Engine/Ambulance siren in front or behind, hence driver argue with police officer, or claim you don't know the law and not your fault. Result - even worse. (The written multiple choice test is only a very very very small portion of the Highway traffic way Act, and drivers should know them all.)
4. Drive within speed limit, driver safely, drive defensively, imagine each time when you are on the wheel, driving examiner is sitting next to you, those are the attitudes that drivers should have, and this can avoid accidents. And in the end, we are all win. We pay less insurance, Government spend money on Health (because of injuries from car accidents). If you have friends with a clean record (never have ticket) for more than ten years, ask your friends how they can have that record. If you have friends NEVER have any car accident (rear ended or being rear ended), ask your friends how.

We all receive an insurance company assessment/rating of our driving record, that will decide our insurance, and I hope you all have over 30 (if you have just one accident, that will go down to under 20).

Good luck

1. The best is NOT to '超速', then no such problem.

How? If you are NOT familiar with the place/city, SLOW is better than fast, also read those speed limit signs (in Quebec, there is a minimum car speed on Highway, and in fact this makes sense!).

If your car has CRUISE control, that is the best tool to help you to drive at a speed set by driver. If you are a good driver, you can use your foot to control the speed.

2. What LZ wrote was how to beat that '超速' case using loop holes in the system. Please note that Ontario is different from Quebec. In Quebec, if you appeal, policeman doesn't have to show up (to collect OT), but in Ontario, policeman has to show up (and most of them collect OT, at least two hours). In the past, if policeman made some mistakes in the TICKET, the case will be dropped, but that was FIXED back in nineties.

3. Besides speeding, some drivers actually DON'T understand some highway acts, like ROLLING stop, or failed to stop at STOP sign, or RUNNING Yellow light, or Change lane without signaling, or Follow too closely, or when driving over MERIDAN when entering/exiting Highway or failed to move and stop your car to either leftmost or rightmost curb when there is Police/Fire Engine/Ambulance siren in front or behind, hence driver argue with police officer, or claim you don't know the law and not your fault. Result - even worse. (The written multiple choice test is only a very very very small portion of the Highway traffic way Act, and drivers should know them all.)

4. Drive within speed limit, driver safely, drive defensively, imagine each time when you are on the wheel, driving examiner is sitting next to you, those are the attitudes that drivers should have, and this can avoid accidents. And in the end, we are all win. We pay less insurance, Government spend money on Health (because of injuries from car accidents). If you have friends with a clean record (never have ticket) for more than ten years, ask your friends how they can have that record. If you have friends NEVER have any car accident (rear ended or being rear ended), ask your friends how.

We all receive an insurance company assessment/rating of our driving record, that will decide our insurance, and I hope you all have over 30 (if you have just one accident, that will go down to under 20).

Good luck

好像魁省是大陆法系, 安省海洋法系, 所以法理逻辑区别也很大