

昨晚发生了一个小事故,追尾了一辆suv, suc 有轻微的刮横,因为是晚上, 几乎看不出,照了照片,我的车磨痕更小,要很仔细才能看出。后来去了警察局,警察写了个report 然后让我们自己解决。 suv车主说她先去做个检查, 然后联系我。请问这种小事故一般多少钱搞定,如果报保险公司保险要涨多少?
though please drive carefully since such incidents can be avoided totally
昨晚发生了一个小事故,追尾了一辆suv, suc 有轻微的刮横,因为是晚上, 几乎看不出,照了照片,我的车磨痕更小,要很仔细才能看出。后来去了警察局,警察写了个report 然后让我们自己解决。 suv车主说她先去做个检查, 然后联系我。请问这种小事故一般多少钱搞定,如果报保险公司保险要涨多少?

usually the suv will get a quote from his/her body shop, and you can also get the suv to get a quote from your selected body shop and compare which one is more reasonable.
You are not in a position to choose garage :D

usually the suv will get a quote from his/her body shop, and you can also get the suv to get a quote from your selected body shop and compare which one is more reasonable.


昨晚发生了一个小事故,追尾了一辆suv, suc 有轻微的刮横,因为是晚上, 几乎看不出,照了照片,我的车磨痕更小,要很仔细才能看出。后来去了警察局,警察写了个report 然后让我们自己解决。 suv车主说她先去做个检查, 然后联系我。请问这种小事故一般多少钱搞定,如果报保险公司保险要涨多少?
Yes we do.

You won't be paying a new door when something minor is repairable.

Both parties will have the right to select at least 1 body shop.

Don't think we are at fault and have no right of selecting a garage for quote.
You are not in a position to choose garage :D
though please drive carefully since such incidents can be avoided totally
Exactly.Police can issue ticket, because 'Follow too closely' (like tail-gating) and hence rear-ended into another car.
It depends on which City.
In City of Toronto, police will send a copy of the report to insurance companies of both parties, even though they both settled themselves, their insurance companies will still use the report to ADJUST car insurance.
In City of Markham (York Region), police won't send reports to insurance companies. I think, as according to what LZ has said, it seems that Ottawa police won't send copy of that incident to insurance companies, but I am not sure whether this is the case. I never have any car collision accidents (rear-ended or being rear ended) since I have my driver license. I learnt the practice of Toronto and Markham police from friends. LZ better find out practise of Ottawa police.
It depends on which City.
In City of Toronto, police will send a copy of the report to insurance companies of both parties, even though they both settled themselves, their insurance companies will still use the report to ADJUST car insurance.
In City of Markham (York Region), police won't send reports to insurance companies. I think, as according to what LZ has said, it seems that Ottawa police won't send copy of that incident to insurance companies, but I am not sure whether this is the case. I never have any car collision accidents (rear-ended or being rear ended) since I have my driver license. I learnt the practice of Toronto and Markham police from friends. LZ better find out practise of Ottawa police.
Thanks for your reply ;)
The police officer said its not reportable so I dont think he will report to insurence company. , just let us deal with it ourselves.