Y YCT 资深人士 注册 2010-11-17 消息 1,667 荣誉分数 704 声望点数 273 2012-02-18 #1 女儿课外阅读的尽是一些恐怖小说,什么吸血鬼之类,还说适合她这个年龄看的只有这类书。请帮忙推荐一些好书名单。先谢谢啦!
猫胖胖 资深人士 VIP 注册 2011-09-25 消息 12,414 荣誉分数 1,653 声望点数 273 2012-02-18 #2 大人推荐的孩子能爱看么? 这么大的孩子,同学朋友看什么她就看什么
P peace in every step 知名会员 注册 2008-05-20 消息 123 荣誉分数 36 声望点数 138 2012-03-07 #4 try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). [media]http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf[/media] You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions
try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). [media]http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf[/media] You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions
S songf 知名会员 注册 2010-06-16 消息 71 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 168 2012-03-07 #6 peace in every step 说: try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions 点击展开... thanks!
peace in every step 说: try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions 点击展开... thanks!
Y YCT 资深人士 注册 2010-11-17 消息 1,667 荣誉分数 704 声望点数 273 2012-03-08 #7 peace in every step 说: try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). [media]http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf[/media] You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions 点击展开... 太感谢啦!加声望!
peace in every step 说: try this one... recommended summer readings (Elmwood School). [media]http://www.elmwood.ca/images/uploads/MS_SS_SUMMER_READING_LIST.pdf[/media] You can also ask librarians at public libraries to give you suggestions 点击展开... 太感谢啦!加声望!