开始烧胆,Grant Fidelity B-283 MKII Tube Processor

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经过一星期的调教听音质之后, 我对XPA2的声音特色已经有了足够多的认识。 细节和还原是XPA2的强项,但是音源的问题,数码味太浓,也就是说太硬。 经过与多位大师的探讨,决定尝试一下"胆"色. 直接烧胆放度数太高, 我决定从最基本的入手。 所以订购了这台畅销的B283, 税后共$210。主要功能是加在CD机或者DAC之后,用于暖化数码音, 也可用在Pre 和 Pro之间。




•Solid State CD Player Processing. Simply patch your CD Player thru the B-283 MKII and into your amplifier/receiver for warming up and correcting what some call the digital harshness of CD's.

• Home Theatre / DVD Player Processing. Initially installing on the 'front L&R' outputs of your DVD Player will improve the sound of your main speakers, especially with music DVD's. Another B-283 MKII can be added for the Centre and Sub channels for a clearer Centre channel and a warmer solid bass for your Sub-woofer.

• Pre-Amp Processing. Simply patch your pre-amp output thru the B-283 MKII to your amplifier and all of your sources (CD Player, DVD Player, Turntable, Tuner etc) will enjoy the musical benefits of tube processing. This can also be achieved on most good stereo / home theatre receivers / amplifiers by patching the B-283 MKII thru their pre-ins and pre-outs. Note that when running the B-283 MKII between a pre amd power amp you need to have properly grounded home wiring. Improper gorunding will cause the B-283 MKII to introduce hum into your system. When using the B-283 MKII after a pre-amp you need to have sufficient gain from the pre to drive the B-283, suggested you have volume control on your amp.

•MP3 / iPod Players which compress the musical information, especially harmonics to achieve small file size. The B-283 MKII can recreate the missing important even order harmonic information from MP3 files, enchancing the musicality of the files and again adding the general benefits of Tube Processing to the overall sound.

•Guitar, Bass and Keyboard Players. Adding the B-283 MKII to your rig is bringing big smiles to everyones' ear
s. Many of us have gone solid state 'digital' setups for the convenience of access to great presets and reduced weight/price. The B-283 MKII gives you most of the benefits of a tube amplifier in a simple solution. A common comment has been reduced on-stage volume wars. For keyboard players emulating real instruments be prepared to have your emulations actually sound real with the B-283 MKII. Guitarists with tube amps, get your tone at a much reduced volume, everyone will love you again.

•Pro-Audio/Recording. A true 'Magic Box' that can become in important part of almost ever step of your music production process. We have all had a tool we always reach for and can't live without in the studio. The B-283 is such a tool you should definitely have.

•Computer Musicians. One obvious way to use is to connect the B-283 MKII to your Soundcard's main outputs for adding instant musicality to your digital work. Another is in your in/out loops for individual track(s) processing. My softsynth Reality is even better sounding with the B-283 MKII and Reality scored a perfect 5 out of 5 for sound quality in every review!
谢谢分享! 胆机功放推一般的音箱可能不太够, 这个办法是尝胆的好办法。

很遗憾的告诉大家, 烧胆失败. 接上这个之后没有提高音乐感觉,只增加了噪音.

网上说要烧100小时以后,胆机才能发挥效果. 我就再等等再给大家汇报.
很遗憾的告诉大家, 烧胆失败. 接上这个之后没有提高音乐感觉,只增加了噪音.

网上说要烧100小时以后,胆机才能发挥效果. 我就再等等再给大家汇报.
