


1) 上这个MYC,家里需要配钢琴吗?




3) 家住downtown,各位家长有什么近点的好的老师推荐吗?另外,一般都是什么价钱?所有老师都一个价位吗?

我俩小孩都读MYC,我觉得小小孩通过MYC先懂乐理,培养乐感好重要。我女儿现在在读sunshine1,有唱歌,有乐理,有keyboard,每年还有2次recital,一次MYC birthday party.
有机会让小孩子当众演奏/表演,可以增强小孩子的自信心。当然小小孩有时可能因为各种原因坐不住,所以老师会通过很多方面运用很多方法吸引小孩子们,家长从不旁也起到监督帮忙作用,例如:stamps,stickers,party time...

downtown 应该是以下老师吧:
Name PhoneNumber
Youngson, Leslie (613) 563-2921

Hopkins, Hannah (613) 744-2275

Hopkins, Shana (613) 744-2275


Tuition Fees for New Students (except Sunrise program)
fees are paid monthly Oct.-May with post dated cheques that are required at the first lesson
at the time of registration the September fee is required to hold your childs space in the class- tuition deposit is $150
the monthly fee is $68.75
one months notice is required to end lessons at which time the remaining post dated cheques will be returned
please inquire about sibling discount
late start classes are pro-rated and fees are reduced

Books and Materials Costs for Level One Classes
payment required at the time of registration
only unopened books may be returned for a refund
all taxes included in price
payment can be made with a cheque or cash
Sunshine and Sunbeam $162.64 per year
Moonbeams $163.60 per year

Sunrise Fees/Costs
classes are 30-45 minutes, once per week
10 classes per session
price includes lessons, book, puppet, rhythm instrument, taxes and Sunrise backpack
fee is $160.00 paid at time of registration
due to the short nature of this program no refunds are available
the program offers three sessions per school year but registration is for one session at a time.
$10 discount per session is given after the first session
MYC Programs

Children are the center of MYC … their learning styles and needs are met through a multi-sensory approach. The understanding of music will expand into positive problem-solving skills, areas of self-expression, the growth of memory skills and excellent self-confidence and self-esteem. With these natural outcomes children can easily take on the skills required to read other languages and master other tasks.

In MYC, children meet in small groups, in their own age category, once a week for an hour, accompanied by an adult (parent, grandparent or caregiver) who participates in the program.

The program lasts from three to five years, depending on the age of the child, with each year typically consisting of 36 lessons.

Age-appropriate Programs

All MYC programs cover certain material, designed for the development learning abilities appropriate to the age of the children in the program. The curriculum for each level is carefully geared and paced to the abilities and learning styles for that particular age.


About MYC Classes

Learn more about MYC Classes
The concepts and skills that are covered in each week’s lessons are provided by certified MYC teachers who, with many aids, create their own lesson plans. Teachers are able to modify lessons based on the needs of the children in their classes, while following an international “map". It also allows the teachers to strengthen their presentations by using their own creative ideas. No matter how individualized the presentation, however, the following activities are incorporated into the curriculum to teach or reinforce the concepts.

An important aspect of MYC's service to its students is that WE TEACH OUR TEACHERSTM.
Music for Young Children teachers can earn the designation "Music for Young Children Certified", or MYCCTM, by attaining specific goals including such things as completing all levels of the MYC teacher training, teaching all levels of the MYC curriculum, achieving consistently high ratings on teaching evaluations, and participating in professional development.

Development of ear training and sight-singing through the use of solfege is an integral part of the program. Songs are also used for expressive singing and to reinforce dynamics and the teaching of concepts.

Because listening is essential to musical literacy, each level includes listening activities ranging from:

By-ear playbacks to melodic dictation
Rhythm pattern identification to dictation
Listening for dynamics
Chord quality identification
Well-known melodies and composer or style identification
Developmentally appropriate written materials are provided for each level as confirmation and review of rudiments and theory. Homework for the youngest learner might be a gluing and coloring task while the Sunbeams’ work may include theory pages reinforcing what had been reviewed in class and the Moonbeams’ homework might include note and rhythm notation, vocabulary, chord study, scale writing and simple analysis.

The keyboard geography begins in a D-centered approach. Keyboard reading skills are developed through careful, incremental introduction of note reading with constant review to motivate and confirm for the child his/her own developing sight-playing skills.

Final year keyboard includes playing grade one conservatory or late-elementary standard piano repertoire and folk songs. Technique, scale and full chord studies, ensemble playing and arranging and harmonization are emphasized.

Rhythm Ensembles
Rhythm and keyboard ensembles are used throughout the course for:

Reinforcement of rhythm reading
Ensemble practice
Exposure to great melodies
Introduction to periods and styles
A composition unit of study is included in each level of MYC. However simple or elaborate in construction, each composition is reviewed and the student’s effort is appropriately rewarded and encouraged. Creativity and expression are nourished.

Program materials are specially designed and produced for the child’s age and development. The text is beautifully and cheerfully illustrated and exciting for the young child. Each text provides: singing, warm-ups, keyboard, listening, rhythm and keyboard ensembles and home assignment sections. In addition to the comprehensive student manual, the student receives a carrying bag, magnetic board with grand staff on one side and keyboard on the other, magnets, and a parent guide.

Parent Involvement
Parent participation in the studio is integral to the MYC program. By being present, parents become aware of their child’s learning styles, strengths and interests. And they can serve as informed guides in choosing further musical study. Parent participation in the program also allows reinforcement of concepts and skill-building at home. Parents see how the concepts are presented, and learn how to reinforce the ideas at home. Parent help during the classes is critical to the program; young children need guidance to find pages and someone to point during the rhythm ensembles. Also, the presence of a parent provides stability and security for the child, for whom this may be the first structured experience.

Sunrise is an exciting and innovative pre-school music program for children two and three years old. The program has a flexible format that allows adaptation to a variety of age and environmental situations including daycare and nursery school centers as well as home studios of certified Music for Young Children Sunrise teachers. Children receive instruction in singing, rhythm, and ear training with teddy bears being one of the learning "tools". This specially developed music curriculum includes stories, songs and games.

This program, for three and four year old beginners includes large muscle experiences in beat and rhythms as well as fine motor experiences in rhythm instrument ensemble playing. By the end of the first year, Sunshines are playing in C major and middle C positions and are reading from the staff. Pre-reading experiences – such as like and different sorting, looking for patterns with colorful visual aids, gluing and coloring -- are part of the program.

The program for kindergartners and first graders provides “big kid” lyrics to introduce concepts, finger numbers and keyboard geography. Songs and games are used to encourage and reinforce listening.

For the older beginner, ages seven through nine, the program lasts three years. Our Moonbeams want “quick results” and the songs, ensembles and keyboard repertoire are designed to support their growing sense of independence. The listening activities for this age group keep the “ears open” even as reading becomes the primary focus for gathering information.

Students at the final level, Moonbeams Three, are thoroughly prepared for Grade One Conservatory examinations and have, in many cases, been awarded the Conservatory Silver Medal, the highest mark provincially, for Grade One Piano.

Even more important, the MYC graduates (and parents) are very highly motivated for further study in music and private teachers have found many of the students so well prepared for private lessons that they have accelerated them through Conservatory Grades Two and Three in one year!

Music Your Best Choice
This is an exciting music program for teen and adults that incorporates singing, rhythm, ear training keyboard/piano, composing and theory. This specially developed music curriculum is taught by certified Music for Young Children teachers and uses quality music materials.

Music Your Best Choice Teachers are musically qualified people, who have received special training for the adult and teen program. Choir members, piano beginners and those that have limited music can learn to play by ear as well as how to read music. This course is suitable for beginners as well as those who need to "refresh". Lessons are taught in small classes which meet for one hour each week in a fun, relaxing environment with your contemporaries




