

The Case for Christ

By Lee Strobel

这本书应该对学者型的无神论者/怀疑论者比如说 Forwardretreat 最为合适. 读者最好是对圣经已经有些研究和思考.
Thank you for your recommendation.

I have something in return as well for atheists or agnostics or Christians with an open mind set.

The Case Against God by George H. Smith

for a more in-depth and scholarly read, please consider:

A Philosophical Justification by Michael Martin
Thank you for your recommendation.

I have something in return as well for atheists or agnostics or Christians with an open mind set.

The Case Against God by George H. Smith

for a more in-depth and scholarly read, please consider:

A Philosophical Justification by Michael Martin


这样好不好?我去看一下“The Case Against God”,你呢,也请看一遍"The Case for Christ"。然后我们来交换一下读书心得。如何?
I have read quite a bit of books on Christianity and religion in general in my life. I myself have passed the stage of getting confort and reassurance from someone else's opinions and views; Nor do I have that much time to indulge myself into less-important issues such as this. You dedicated your life to pleasing your god and I give my life to delight my family and other hamans living for today.

Furthermore, I don't discuss issues requiring basic logic and reasoning with individuals who believes the Earth was only a few thousand years.

I have lived in the Bible Belt for 7 years in the 90s; i have met and talked to christian foundamentalists who believed what you believe that the earth was really only a few thousand years. most of them are blue-colar workers or farmers. the more serious theolgian would not touch this as they know that's one of the weakest links they face.

level of distortion to reality religions can do to a human mind is beyond logic and reasoning. all religions have a share on this one.
I have read quite a bit of books on Christianity and religion in general in my life. I myself have passed the stage of getting confort and reassurance from someone else's opinions and views; Nor do I have that much time to indulge myself into less-important issues such as this. You dedicated your life to pleasing your god and I give my life to delight my family and other hamans living for today.

Furthermore, I don't discuss issues requiring basic logic and reasoning with individuals who believes the Earth was only a few thousand years.

I have lived in the Bible Belt for 7 years in the 90s; i have met and talked to christian foundamentalists who believed what you believe that the earth was really only a few thousand years. most of them are blue-colar workers or farmers. the more serious theolgian would not touch this as they know that's one of the weakest links they face.

level of distortion to reality religions can do to a human mind is beyond logic and reasoning. all religions have a share on this one.

It's ok. Let me know when you are already to engage in a more serious discussion on any topic. :)
It's ok. Let me know when you are already to engage in a more serious discussion on any topic. :)

I am not ready for any deeper topics if my counter part believes in a 6000 years old earth. but thanks for the offer.
I am not ready for any deeper topics if my counter part believes in a 6000 years old earth. but thanks for the offer.

Well, you never know. We human beings change our minds quite easy and frequently. :)
well, i truely don't know what else to say to you if you believe in a 6000 year old earth.
well, i truely don't know what else to say to you if you believe in a 6000 year old earth.

More than often, truth appears to be unthinkable at the first glance. :)
well, you believe in 6000 year old earth...

So? :)

It must sound extremely strange when Copernicus insisted, against the popular Ptolemaic model and abundance of scientific observations, that the Earth orbits around the Sun according his heliocentric model.

It must appear equally weird when Pasteur insisted, against countless scientific evidences of his time, that life did not occur spontaneously but the bugs must come from their ancestors, as said by the bible.

It won't look any less crazy when Joule and his fellows claimed that human beings could not destroy what was created by God and therefore energy must be conserved rather than consumed.
So? :)

so i got nothing to say to an individual who holds a belief of a 6000 year old earth; the same as i don't try to argue with a child who awaits the arrival of santa.
So? :)

so i got nothing to say to an individual who holds a belief of a 6000 year old earth; the same as i don't try to argue with a child who awaits the arrival of santa.

Apparently I can't and won't force you to believe what I believe. However, I think I should clarify what I really believe. I don't believe the Earth is 6,000 years old. I do believe there is a possibility that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. :)