找个旧LAPTOP (或者旧DVD player, 如果你没有,在丢垃圾的前天晚上开车去你邻居门口兜一圈). DVD player with metal case is the best.
1. Find a screw driver, remove the inside motherboard of DVD Player. Keep the outside untouched.
2. Put your new IPAD inside the DVD player case, use tape and filler (cupboard, newspaper, bubble ...) to seize the iPAD so it doesn't move;
3. Bring it to Canadapost and ship with Canadapost Surface parcel
4. In the custom form , put "Broken dvd player, return for repair", put the value "$10".
5. Go to www.canadapost.ca to check the status;
6. AFTER the package arrived China, use this site to track the status:
The delivery time is 4 to 6 weeks for Surface Parcel. You can use Air Mail Parcel too but it cost more on shipping and your parcel will have more chances to be checked by China custom.