If you pay cash, you can get cash incentive bonus, from Toyota, over 1000 (I think it is 2500).想买部 金属灰色的丰田 2012 corolla ce (enhanced convenience package)
不知最近有没有朋友什么价位拿下. 先感谢了.
车行网站上的价格加上其它费用总共是 $ 22,227.15 (3年供0利率)
If there is Toyota sales person who is also CFC member, maybe that person can help you. But to reduce 1000, I doubt it. The dealer is offering all service for free. Are you willing to work for free?你说的我知道,不过对我的问题没帮助,谢谢你
Just bought Lexus 2012 RX350, MSRP - $5500.