【VIP GROUP BUY】2013 空调团购(二期)正在进行 Jul 1 - Aug 31, 2013


[Click me]重要注意事项:请仔细检查您的电邮垃圾邮箱
Warranty Extension-Furnace-Duct Cleaning-Central AC-group buy (2013 Phase 2)

保修延长服务和空调/暖炉安装(2013 Phase 2) (新增parts和labour保修延长服务)团购已经开始,有需要的家庭请及时联系VIP-GROUP-BUY@HOTMAIL.COM获取详细方案。

7月和8月上旬是商家最忙的季节,GREG可能要最迟2~3天才能回复大家的电邮或电话留言。因此他希望大家给他发电邮或电话留言时尽量留下最方便可以联系上大家的电话和电邮,他会尽快回复预约上门评估的日期和时间。另外您需要明确指明安装空调的房子的详细地址,因为不少家庭有不止一个物业,有些是要给第2个甚至第3个物业装空调,因此地址就不是注册VIP GROUP BUY时的住家地址。

Warranty Extension Program (新增parts和labour保修延长服务)半年多来很多2009-2011新搬家的家庭与我们沟通提及了一个比较受关注的问题,即由builder安装的暖炉和空调(包括后期自己找公司安装的)都已经(或即将)超出了保修期,不少家庭已经支付了为数不小的维修费用(零件和人工)。我们通过比较市场上所有暖气空调公司提供的维修和保修服务后,找到了一套完善的保养和保修方案,能够有效的保障设备的正常运作并避免所有的后顾之忧。


为了使大家更方便的注册和预约,所有注册了保修延长服务和空调/暖炉安装(2013)项目的member很快都会收到family code,并紧接着再会收到一封email,其中包含了简单的登录指导,只要按照要求在指定的网址输入member自己注册的email地址和获得的唯一的family code就可以在商家的网站上下载详细的保修延长服务和空调/暖炉安装(2013)的deal。

You have successfully registered as one of our Exclusive Member Area for VIP GROUP BUY members.
Please read this instruction carefully!
Your Membership Info:

USER NAME: It is your registered email at VIP GROUP BUY
PASSWORD: It is sent from your VIP GROUP BUY admin (for example: 2013-####). Please check your email carefully and please contact your Group admin if cannot find it.

Login URL: http://www.reliablehome.ca/wp-login.php
团购优惠方案细节和团购优惠确认码(Family Code)已经开始陆续发放给每一个注册了本团购项目的家庭,请及时检查你们的电邮。还没有收到的家庭请先检查您的垃圾邮箱,同时确保VIP GROUP的电邮不会进入您的垃圾邮箱。

请下载电邮附件中的团购优惠方案细节PDF文件。PDF文件需要Adobe Reader或Adobe Acrobat才能打开。如果您没有Adobe Reader或Adobe Acrobat,请先下载并安装Adobe Reader。如果您接受到的电邮中没有PDF附件,请及时联系VIP-GROUP-BUY@HOTMAIL.COM

在接收到你的Warranty Extension-Furnace-Duct Cleaning-Central AC-group buy (2013)团购优惠方案细节和商家授权的团购优惠码(Authorized Family Code)之后,商家会在48小时之内给您发一份确认您的最新联系方式和家庭地址的电邮。还没有收到商家电邮的家庭请先检查您的垃圾邮箱,同时确保商家的的电邮不会进入您的垃圾邮箱。为了提高效率和更加有序的为众多家庭提供服务,商家恳请大家在收到他们的电邮后及时准确详细的提供要求的信息。商家会根据区域和地理位置为大家预约时间安排免费的上门评估和报价,同时会在上门评估时回答您的各种问题。

请在购买的时候告知商家您的姓名,电话,详细的家庭地址和您的团购优惠确认码即能享受我们的VIP GROUP EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT。请注意,每个家庭都有唯一的团购优惠确认码(Family Code),所以请不要将您的团购优惠确认码(Family Code)转让给其他家庭或重复使用。

如果您的邻居/朋友/同事不是我们VIP GROUP的家庭,但是也希望和您一起参加团购,他们必须自己发电邮至 VIP-GROUP-BUY@HOTMAIL.COM,单独申请加入VIP GROUP并获得商家授权的团购优惠码(Authorized Family Code)。如果您的邻居/朋友/同事没有他们自己的团购优惠码(Authorized Family Code),商家将不会给予团购优惠价格。团购优惠码(Authorized Family Code)只能一家一个,不能几家共同使用一个团购优惠码(Authorized Family Code)。


大家可以根据自己的需求,选择性的参加团购项目中的一种或多种,不需要同时参加全部项目。但是同时安装Central Air Conditioner和Furnace Replacement则有额外的优惠。具体的团购优惠细节见团购方案。

请注意:VIP GROUP BUY的价格是商家特别提供给我们的group的特价,如果通过COSTCO的Program登记Central Air Conditioner, Furnace Replacement,一旦家庭信息被注册,将会有失去获得VIP特价的可能。

2011年 东北美地区 LENNOX 杰出成就奖


右1: Dave Lennox - 代言人
右2: Todd Bluedorn - Lennox International CEO
右4: John van der Heyden - Owner of Reliable Home Environment

RELIABLE HOME ENVIRONMENT是COSTCO指定的专业中央空调和暖气炉安装公司,属于Lennox旗下最优质(Premium)的dealer。去年为几百个VIP GROUP BUY的家庭提供了优质的中央空调和暖气炉安装,调试和长期有保障的售后服务。该公司的技术成熟,态度负责,各项反馈极佳,今年也将继续为我们的VIP GROUP BUY的家庭提供各类热能,制冷和通风系统的服务。
2011 outstanding achievement Reliable (1).jpg
Reliable Lennox Regional Award.jpg
什么是DUCT CLEANING,为什么需要DUCT CLEANING,下面就这个问题给大家一个基本常识的普及。

1. Should You Get Your Heating/Cooling Ducts Cleaned?
Source from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
A hot air furnace heats and distributes air through its ducting system. The ducts are usually made of sheet metal and are most obvious in your basement, where they hang from the floor joists. The return, or cold air, ducts bring air to the furnace, usually collecting it centrally in the house. The return air trunk duct is the big rectangular duct along the basement ceiling that enters the bottom of the furnace. The supply, or warm air, ducting usually exits from the top of the furnace. It starts with a trunk duct on the basement ceiling. The individual supply ducts, in round or smaller rectangular sheet metal, branch off the trunk duct and go to each room, where they terminate in a floor or wall register. Over time, dust and debris will collect in these ducts, particularly in the return air ducts. You may be wondering whether it would be worthwhile to have these ducts cleaned.

2. How do I know if I need my air ducts cleaned?
Every home requires air duct cleaning at some point. Duct Cleaning Services Provider has the most sophisticated duct cleaning system available to take care of the customers the way they have become accustomed. In new home construction there is a lot of dust that will gather in the ductwork, especially if the furnace system was ran during the winter of construction. The fan and secondary heat exchanger of the furnace can become covered in dust. Most home owners do not know that this will void most warranties on heat exchangers if they were used during construction.

Here are some things that you can check yourself to get a general idea about the state of your air duct system:
1) Check your air filter. Whatever dirt is on it is only a small portion of the amount of dust in your return air duct. If you think it’s very dirty, then it’d be safe to say that you need your ducts cleaned. Now would also be a good time to replace or clean the filter.

2) Check your return air vents. If they are on the floor, lift one out and look inside with a flashlight. It should probably be pretty dusty in there. That’s typical. This is a part of your duct system that draws the air from the house back to the furnace before it is cleaned, re-conditioned, and circulated back into the home. If your return air vents are screwed onto the wall, then it’s easier to just look closely at the vent. If you see that it’s covered in dust, then that’s only a small portion of what’s inside the air ducts.

3) Check your heating vents. These are almost always on the floor, so the vents should be easy to lift out. Look inside. If you see and dirt or cobwebs in there at all, then you should get your ducts cleaned.

If you answer YES to any of the following questions:
•Does anyone in the house have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems?
•Does anyone in your family suffer from headaches, nasal congestion, or sinus problems at night or in the morning?
•Is there or was there ever a smoker in the house?
•Do you have or was there ever a dog, cat, or other pets in the house?
•Do you notice “musty” or “stale” odours when the furnace or air conditioner runs?
•Do you notice dust on the furniture shortly after cleaning?
•Does it seem like there is not enough air flow coming from your vents?

3. What is the Truck Mount Difference?
Some companies start with the portable units. The portable units just can’t get the suction or CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute).
The two most popular portable units are the following:
1) Rotor brush (this machine has less than 700 CFM’s)
2) Portable Negative Machine (less than 3000 CFM's, and once you add the Hepa filter,the suction will decrease to less than 2000 CFM’s).
The Truck Mount system is between 6,000 - 20,000 CFM's. So if you need to get your ducts professional cleaned.

4. What does Duct Cleaning Services Provider do?
HI-TECH duct cleaning method conforms to National Air Duct Cleaning Standard (NADCS)
1. Duct Cleaning Services Provider comes in with a truck mounted unit specially designed to clean air duct & furnaces
2. Their operator/technician will do a "walk-through" with you in your home taking up any concerns
3. Next their technician will expertly cut the access hook up and clean out opening into your duct system where they are required. Connect a large 8" or 10" hose from the Power Vac truck to your heating system
4. Technician now starts the Power Vac truck which places your duct work under extreme suction. The on board compressor provides 250 PSI compressed air continuously, which is used in the cleaning process.
5. With your system under the suction they will open and clean every vents with high pressure air, then they will brush the inside walls, top and bottoms of your main ducts removing the caked on dirt and dust (Brushing improves cleaning quality by removing the dirt, debris, and other contaminants air washing alone leaves behind)
6. Then the ducts will be cleaned with an air whips rods and the reverse skipper line discharging high pressure air in 360 pattern. This will loosen dirt & debris in the main line which will be removed by the vacuum
7. Then vacuum house will be switched to the return main line & the same cleaning procedure will be taken.
8. Duct Cleaning Services Provider will perform a visual inspection of the system before & after cleaning. They have specialized inspection tool & we can always provide you with digital pictures of your duct inside before & after cleaning.
9. Upon completion of the duct cleaning & inspection, they will seal the duct.
10. System with removable Cap-Plugs or removable metal access cover plates.

5. What else you need to know?
1) If the system has Air Conditioning, both sides of the coil will be cleaned (Other companies simply bypass the coil without cleaning it). Air conditioning must be cleaned at the same time as the furnace. A buildup of 1/16 of an inch of dirt on coil can reduce efficiency by up to 30-40%
2) Duct Cleaning Services Provider High-Tech method takes 2-3 hours to complete the average home (2000-2500 Sq. Ft.) as we will send cleaning devices through your entire air duct system.
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Go with truck mount, no portable.png
let's breath fresh and health aire in our house.png






我家是个town home。当时来了2个人,花了1个小时多。一个人在地下室做总管道的,一个人就楼上楼下的风口做清理。

我们通过协商,所有通过VIP GROUP BUY团购的家庭将只需每两年做一次maintenance,并且每次都是差不多半价收费。十年内最多只需做5次maintenance,花费$300左右,相对于其他的品牌和公司能节省$900并且没有任何的后顾之忧。

Duct Cleaning图片-过程简介
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我家是个town home。当时来了2个人,花了1个小时多。一个人在地下室做总管道的,一个人就楼上楼下的风口做清理。

去年他们已经为不少家庭做过Duct cleaning的服务,不过由于当时是冬天不太方便,所以我们在开春前在组织一次,可以让大家有机会再做一次。
团长, 新房子需要管道清理么? 我朋友说搬进去之前要做一次的, 是这样么?


