Organized by Champlain Table Tennis Club
(This project is supported by the Government of Ontario)
Date: Saturday, May 26, 2012 (8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.)
Location Featherston Dr. Public School, 1801 Featherston Dr., Ottawa, ON. K1H 6P4
Entry Must be received with payment by Wednesday, May 23, 2012. No late or drop- deadline in entries will be accepted. This is a one-star event.
Events 1. Under 300 (8:30 start); 2. Under 600 (10:30 start);
3. Under 1000 (1:00 start), and 4.Open (3:00 start)
*** Events 1 to 4 are limited to the first 16 players in each event who sign up.
Entry Fee events 1 to 4 are $10.00 each.
For $10.00, new OTTA members can play one league or tournament event, and have unlimited access to our web. For $30.00, members can have unlimited access to all tournaments and OTTA services. For $5.00, novice members (under 18) have full privileges.
Payment Make cheque payable to Tony Campbell and send to:
1801 Featherston Dr. Public School, Ottawa, On. K1H 6P4
Eligibility Members in good standing of OTTA, CTTA or with $10 tournament pass.
OTTA membership available on site: Junior $15.
Equipment Double Fish tables and ORANGE 40 mm 3* balls
Format Round Robin followed by straight elimination. This is subject to change by the Referee based on the number of entries received. Matches will be best 3 of 5 (11-point) games.
Awards Match Results will count towards National Rating.
Medals for second and third place finishers for all four events. Trophies for first place in all four events.
Results Tournament will be conducted under ITTF / CTTA / OTTA laws. All
Conduct participants, by entering, agree to abide by the decisions of the Referee.
1. Under 300 (8:30 start); 2. Under 600 (10:30 start);
3. Under 1000 (1:00 start), and 4.Open (3:00 start)
(please circle your event(s))
Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before the time of your scheduled event.
Entry fee: Event(s) Amount: ______________________ This is a one-star event.
For $10.00, new OTTA members can play one league or tournament event, and have unlimited access to our web. For $30.00, members can have unlimited access to all tournaments and OTTA services. For $5.00, novice members (under 18) have full privileges.
Tournament pass fee: ($10/player or valid OTTA membership # ________/_________)
Total paid $ ________ (Make cheque payable to Tony Campbell)
I hereby agree to abide by OTTA rules and all decisions of the tournament officials, and I assume complete responsibility for any injury or property loss I may incur as a result from my participation in this tournament.