From: David Lee @ (Mar 27, 2003 18:28 CST)
木棉摄影 (光学 & 数码 ) Ottawa Story 婚纱外景,超值奉献. 春天物语,个人外景写真,木棉独家,特价推出。 价格: ------ Ottawa Story 婚礼婚纱外景, 特价$400.00 Include: Work Hour: 8 hours copyright offered. all pictures 5*7 Proofs Digital Process *超值*: High quality Film Scan, CD, Professional Photoshop Processing. Not Included: Film fee and enlargement fee. Usually 8 hours work needs approximately 9 rolls film, cost about $90.00 (KODAK Royal Golden II portrait film) . Location: Civilization Musume and Parliament Hill or Dowslake *************************************** 春天物语 个人写真 package特价: $150.00/人 (2人组合) 200.00(一人) 注:1. 个人外景写真,特别欢迎两个,(不超过3个朋友组合,大家实惠,木棉也不亏本 2.欢迎朋友,家人相伴) Include: Work hour: 5H copyright offered. all pictures 5*7 Proofs Digital Process *超值*: High quality Film Scan, CD, Professional Photoshop Processing. Not Included: Film fee and enlargement fee. Usually 5 hours work needs approximately 6 rolls film, cost about $60.00 (KODAK Royal Golden II portrait film) . Location: Civilization Musume and Parliament Hill or Dowslake 联系大李 ---------- email: ceibastudio@yahoo.com 613-742-1536 Ottawa