China's Andy Zhang, 14, set to make U.S. Open history



SAN FRANCISCO — Andy Zhang will become the youngest player to compete in the U.S. Open since World War II when he tees it up at the Olympic Club later this week.

The 14-year-old earned the opportunity on Monday when Paul Casey withdrew with a shoulder injury. On Tuesday, he went out with the first practice group of the day – Aaron Baddeley and Masters champ Bubba Watson.

"(When I got the call), my mind just went blank," Zhang told GolfWeek. "Then, I said ‘Wait! What? I am in the U.S. Open?’ “

Tadd Fujikawa previously held the distinction of being the youngest post-war competitor when he played in the 2006 U.S. Open at Winged Foot at the age of 15.

Zhang, who was born Dec. 14, 1997, was the first alternate after shooting rounds of 70-72 at Black Diamond Ranch in Lecanto, Fla. He is originally from the People’s Republic of China but has lived in the U.S. for the last four years.

Zhang tees off at 11:21 a.m. ET on No. 1 with Mark Wilson, who won the Humana Challenge earlier this year, and Hiroyuki Fujita.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Andy Zhang walked over to the driving range as just another teenager wanting an autograph from his favorite players. Instead, he had the gallery at The Olympic Club asking for his signature.

Welcome to the U.S. Open, kid.

All of 14 years old and preparing to start the ninth grade, Zhang is believed to be the youngest player in championship history. He was born in China and has lived in Florida since 2008, and about the only place he doesn't show his age is on the course.

Heading to the driving range before his practice round Tuesday morning with Masters champion Bubba Watson and Aaron Baddeley was another story. Zhang was so giddy that his caddie, Chris Gold, had to calm him down.

"I was like, `Chris, can I go out on the range and ask for autographs?"' Zhang asked. "He said, `No. Today, you're giving out the autographs."'

After shedding some early nerves on the unleveled Lake Course, Zhang settled into a grove and even outdrove his more accomplished counterparts on occasion. By the end of the round, his smile - behind those big braces, of course - lit up the gallery and had everyone from Tiger Woods to Rory McIlroy wondering the same question.

Who is this kid?

"When I was 14, I was getting prepared to play in my club championship, not the U.S. Open," said McIlroy, who set the tournament scoring record at 16-under 268 last year at Congressional. "So I'm not sure I could give him any words of wisdom."

Zhang's journey already has taken him around the planet.

He was born in Shandong, China, and started playing tournaments in the United States at age 10, when he won his division in the Junior World championship at Torrey Pines. Zhang took a trip with a friend to the David Leadbetter Golf Academy in the Orlando area shortly after and moved there four years ago without knowing a word of English.

Zhang taught himself the language.

"It was kind of funny because he would go to school and he would say hello and goodbye and that's it," Leadbetter instructor Andrew Park said by phone from Florida. "The following day he would say, `A, B, C.' Eventually, we couldn't keep him quiet his English was so good."

The evolution of Zhang's golf game also has been a natural progression.

Zhang lost in a playoff at a sectional qualifier in Florida and was the second alternate when the week began at Olympic Club. His father traveled back to China on business this week, but Zhang, his mother and caddie still showed.

Zhang wandered the grounds mostly as just a young fan and casual observer until Brandt Snedeker and Paul Casey withdrew with injuries late Monday evening while Zhang was on the putting range.

"I was right next to my mom and Chris. I was just giving them hugs and real excited," he said.

Now Zhang is the talk of a locker room filled with players mostly twice his age - or more - who have been on the PGA Tour long before he was even born.

Tadd Fujikawa of Hawaii previously was the youngest in the modern era. He was 15 when he qualified for the 2006 U.S. Open at Winged Foot.

At first glance, Zhang might not look his age. He's 6-feet tall and 174 pounds - he even weighs himself every day. Then he smiles, shows off those thick braces and plays with an innocence nobody at Olympic Club can match.

Starting on the ninth tee just after 7 a.m., Zhang's wayward drive landed deep into the trees and in the thick rough along the right side. He turned to Watson and asked politely, "Can I hit another one?"

"I'm like, `Dude, you're in the U.S. Open, you can hit as many as you want in practice," said Watson's caddie, Ted Scott. "I just told him, `Look, just because you're 14 doesn't mean you can't win.' I say this: I don't want to play him for money."

Nobody is expecting anything from Zhang this week other than a couple rounds.

That hasn't stopped Zhang from soaking in the experience. He picked up tips from Watson and Baddeley on the course, and Woods even sought him out in the locker room.

"I was like, `Wow, I just shook Tiger's hand,"' Zhang said.

Even Woods, who won the Masters in 1997 before Zhang was born, heaped praise on the newest member in the clubhouse. He also defended any notion that Zhang might be too young to compete in "golf's toughest test."

"He qualified. He earned a spot. I tried it when I was 15, but he earned a spot," Woods said. "That's the great thing about this game, it's not handed to you. You have to go out and put up the numbers and he did."

Word of Zhang's arrival spread throughout Olympic and fans of all ages gathered to watch the youngster in packs.

He sprinkled in autographs while walking the course and even posed for a picture or two. Alex Gotz of nearby Tiburon had the best view all day as the standard bearer.

The 15-year-old walked with the group all day - Watson only played the back 10 holes in the morning before jetting off - and was amazed at Zhang's talent and composure.

"I'm behind the curve I guess," Gotz joked.

Then, he added: "Well, it is the U.S. Open. I guess anybody really can play here."
新浪体育讯 北京时间6月14日消息,2012年第二场男子高尔夫(微博)大满贯赛--美国公开赛将于当地时间周四开始第一轮,赛事媒体中心特意在周三调整了日程安排,为14岁的中国少年张华创临时安排了一场见面会。他在媒体中心接受采访时,出席的记者甚至超过了今年第一场大满贯赛--美国大师赛冠军巴巴-沃森的见面会。张华创特别提到和巴巴-沃森、巴德利一起练球时,获得了两位名将细心的指导。

  通过资格赛入围的张华创,是中国内地第一位参加美国公开赛的球员,创造了赛事自第二次世界大战以来最年轻的参赛纪录。美国公开赛媒体中心原本在周三上午安排的都是高球名宿和美国高协领导的发布会,一早特意宣布将在12时30分把张华创请进媒体中心采访室。当14岁的张华创面对各路的媒体提问时,对于自己打球经历、参赛经历、中国高尔夫球视频-张华创发布会现场从容应对 称能够参赛很荣幸媒体来源:新浪体育运动的发展情况以及与巴巴-沃森、巴德利一起练球情景等方面的问题对答如流,并且是一口流利的美式英语。

  主持人先请张华创介绍自己如何来到美国公开赛的赛场。对于这段经历,张华创记忆犹新。张华创说,他先在佛罗里达州的威尔士湖(Lake Wales)乡村俱乐部参加第一级资格赛,因为在那打过两次美国青少年锦标赛,对场地特别熟悉。张华创打出69杆,并列第三名,与其他四位球员一起进入区域资格赛。之后,张华创选择雷坎多(Lecanto)黑钻站打区域资格赛。那个球场有六个洞是在露天的矿石场中,果岭速度很快。他在两轮比赛中打出了70 杆和72杆,最终并列第三名。但是只有三个名额能进入正赛,因此他不得不与布洛克斯打加洞赛,最终不敌对手,布洛克斯是目前美国大学生联赛的最佳球员。张华创最终成为今年美国公开赛的第五候补球员,在开赛前的周日,已经有三位球员通过各种方式进入阵容,张华创由第五替补成为了第二替补。






  提及中国的高尔夫设施问题,记者在追问中国高尔夫球场状况如何。张华创介绍说他们一家住在北京,一个很受欢迎的城市,从他们家开车25分钟就可以到高尔夫球场。张华创甚至向美国记者“推销”中国球场:“(北京的)高尔夫球场相当棒,可能没有美国公开赛球场这么难,但是真的很好,场地养护相当好。 ”





At first glance, Zhang might not look his age. He's 6-feet tall and 174 pounds

First round, Andy Zhang, T140, +9, 79
First round, Andy Zhang, T140, +9, 79

Not bad at all - compared to Bubba Watson's 78 and Rory Mcllroy's 77.

He should feel proud and have confidence for tomorrow.
Cool! 山东人:)
Hole 1: Triple bogey
Hole 2: Double bogey
Hole 3: Bogey
Hole 4: Bogey
Hole 5: Bogey

可知 Olympic Club 开头6个洞的难处!

这样的开头能打到79证明他的意志坚强, 永不言败!
ZT: 14岁小将张华创大赛被淘汰 自信明年再来会更好

新浪体育讯 北京时间6月16日,美国当地时间15日,14岁的中国小将张华创(Andy Zhang)以78杆(+8)的成绩完成了美国高尔夫公开赛第二轮比赛,虽然两轮过后以9杆之差未能晋级,但这位美国公开赛历史上年龄最小的参赛选手,改 写了这项大满贯赛事没有中国内地选手参赛的历史。张华创的两轮成绩是157杆(+17),与他一起被淘汰的选手还有目前世界第一卢克-唐纳德以及世界第二 麦克罗伊等名将。   张华创今天从第9洞开球出发,在走上梯台前,这位年轻小将受到了美国观众热烈的掌声欢迎。在发球台上他仍然显得有点紧张,不停地走来走去和试挥 杆,但他的第一杆开得非常漂亮,落点在球道当中并且比同组的马克-威尔逊和藤田宽之远了20多码距离。走在球道上时,38岁的美国选手马克-威尔逊对张华 创非常友好,主动和他聊天缓解这位年轻小将的紧张情绪。张华创的第二杆也很精准,打上果岭剩下10码推杆距离。他凝神闭气,沿右洞线路推杆进洞,拿下了漂 亮的开局小鸟球。

  “今天整体上比昨天好了很多,杆数虽然没有好多少,但一号木开球有转好,并且对比赛也适应了。”张华创赛后表示。但随后的比赛让他陷入低谷,从第10洞起,连续 5个洞吞下柏忌,第15洞保帕,第16洞和第17洞再次连吞两个柏忌。“虽然比昨天适应了很多,但第一洞打鸟后,我希望得太多了。”张华创说,“不过后面 放慢下来,节奏也好了很多。”后面的比赛和昨天一样,连续保住7个帕止住颓势,最后一洞以两推柏忌收杆。   张华创今天的开球没有出现较大失误,但在短杆和推杆上没有出色表现,在果岭上基本上都是两推或三推。“他今天的推杆没有昨天好,昨天长杆有问题,但今天开球挺好的。”张华创的妈妈说道,她今天也跟着儿子走了18洞,“这个球场太难了,我对他已经满意了,这不是一个水平,这种难度球场青少年从来没有打过。”张妈妈说。

  前半场打得艰难,后半场成绩却很不错,张华创两天来的赛场表现几乎如出一辙。在昨天首轮,他从第1洞开球出发,开局4杆洞就打出7杆,在前5洞 完成+8成绩,不过从第9洞起,他连续7个洞保帕,整个前半场成绩42杆(+8),后半场37杆(+1)。他表示是因为开始紧张,几乎想放弃,但随后他很 认真地打了后面的比赛。不过有评论认为,这是年轻选手缺乏比赛经历的表现,他们只能通过在比赛中调整状态,通常前面会打不好,或者一开始打好就会想法太 多,导致后面成绩不如人意。


  虽然在小小年龄就参加了很多选手梦寐以求的大满贯赛事,但张华创觉得这仅仅是自己成长过程中的一小步。“来这里算是对我以后青少年比赛有很好的 激励,是我成长中的一个过程,算是稍稍迈出了大一点的步伐,但这一步也算是一百步里的一小步。”张华创说,“以后我还是正常地去打青少年比赛,正常训练, 我会一步一步地走。”

  “如果明年能再来,我会打得更好。”张华创信心十足地说。他还以本场比赛中的业余选手波-霍斯勒(Beau Hossler)举例,如果再来会进领先榜前列。“你看波-霍斯勒,也是青少年选手,去年打得不好被淘汰了,但今年再来就能排到领先榜前面去。”在去年美 国公开赛上,当时16岁的波-霍斯勒同样通过资格赛打进国会乡村俱乐部阵容,他两轮成绩153杆(+11,76-77),以7杆之差未能晋级。当他今年再 次进入美国公开赛阵容时,两轮过后成绩为143杆(+3,70-73),位居并列第9名。

  目前排名世界第一的卢克-唐纳德两轮完成151杆(+11),以3杆之差未能晋级;排名世界第二的卫冕冠军麦克罗伊完成150杆(+10),同样无缘周末决赛。在领先榜上,泰格-伍兹、吉姆-福瑞克以及大卫-汤姆斯三人以139杆(-1)并列榜首。接下来两天,张华创都会留在赛场观看周末决赛,他也表示会看包括伍兹在内的很多大牌选手的比赛。   张华创是美国公开赛自二战以来参赛年龄最小的选手,也是中国内地首位参加美国公开赛的选手。在四大满贯赛中,张连伟参加过美国大师赛,梁文冲参加过美国大师赛、英国公开赛以及美国PGA锦标赛。在华人选手参赛历史中,陈志忠在1985年美国公开赛上获得过亚军。
