Don't know which aspect you are feeling bad. Anyway, here is a motivation tip I found in the web, hope it helps. Don't give up. You are not a loser until you really give up...
Are you a loser? If you're reading this Website, you're probably not -- but you still may have a bit of work to do.
If you're not yet as good as you wish to become, take heart -- winning is merely a matter of determining where you want to be, developing the habits to take you there, following through, and then starting over again.
Here's a little chart to show the difference -- why don't you take a second and see what side you're on -- most of the time.
WINNER :Makes things happen.
LOSER :Wonders what happened.
WINNER :Has a destination.
LOSER: Doesn't know where he's going in life and in his work.
WINNER :Makes goals.
LOSER: Hates goals -- may even make fun of them.
WINNER :Is task-oriented. Returns to a task when interrupted.
LOSER:Is blown this way or that by every little breeze that comes his way.
WINNER :Takes responsibility for his life.
LOSER:Sees himself as a victim or an innocent pawn, acted on by others.
WINNER :Looks on the positive side.
LOSER:Looks on the negative or the cynical side of life.
WINNER : Delivers more value than he is paid for.
LOSER: Delivers less value than he is paid for.
WINNER : Gives selfless service to others.
LOSER: Expects others to serve him.
WINNER : Cares about others around him -- family, friends, co-workers.
LOSER: Often cares only about himself, but thinks others should care about him.
WINNER :Generally even-tempered, although sometimes excitable.
LOSER:Often bad-tempered or moody, although sometimes just plain clueless.
WINNER :Contributes extensively to an organization.
LOSER:Sucks the life out of most organizations.
WINNER : Develops himself.
LOSER: Stays stagnant until forced to move.
WINNER : Self-motivated.
LOSER: Externally motivated.
WINNER :May be talented.
LOSER:May be talented.
So how did you do? I found several areas where I need to recommit myself -- maybe you did, as well.
When you get right down to it, no person has to remain a loser -- and no winner is so immune from problems that they can't lose in some areas.
Tony Robbins often mentions the need for "CANI" -- Constant and Never-ending Improvement. Perhaps each of us needs to remember the CANI concept -- no matter where we fall on the "Winner/Loser" chart.
Are you a winner? Probably. Are you a loser? Not for long!