转发信息-免费冰球课7-12岁 Share the Puck

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Bryan Hetherington



Share the Puck has three opportunities for participation. Our

participants are affectionately referred to as “Puckheads” as we want to

get hockey into their heads (and hearts). They will receive funding or

access to the programs through a “Puckship” (a play on scholarship).

 Breakaway – this is our introductory Come Try program. The focus will be

Puckheads ages 7 – 12. They will be invited to attend one session of on ice

introduction to hockey. The target group are kids that can skate but have not

played hockey. These puckships will be split 50/50 boys and girls and we will

be looking for new Canadians to learn our sport.

 Power Play – this puckship will be provided to puckheads to participate in a

clinic or camp to work on their skating and hockey skills.

 Hat Trick – a full season of hockey, including equipment, registration in a

local association for a house league team, inclusion in two Power Play

training sessions.

The inaugural season plan for “Share the Puck” in the Ottawa area. Through these events and our partners

support we may have opportunity to add additional events. This schedule represents 425 puckships to be

provided for less fortunate children to participate in hockey during the 2012-13 season..

 July 30 to Aug 2 Breakaway hockey skills introduction (100)

 August 17 - Golf Tournament hosted at Arnprior Golf

 August – Power Play skills development clinics (10)

 September - Awarding of 5 Hat Trick “puckships” to be registered in 5 area hockey leagues (5)

 Sept to December – Power Play regular program skills development clinics (10)

 Sept to March 4 PD Day Breakaway sessions opened up for skills development and introductory sessions –

10 skills and 25 introductory “puckheads” (140)

 Dec to Feb - 5 outdoor introductory Breakaway sessions and attend a Junior hockey game. 25 participants

for each event. (125)

 Jan to Mar – Power Play regular program skills development clinics (10)