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Bryan Hetherington
Share the Puck has three opportunities for participation. Our
participants are affectionately referred to as “Puckheads” as we want to
get hockey into their heads (and hearts). They will receive funding or
access to the programs through a “Puckship” (a play on scholarship).
Breakaway – this is our introductory Come Try program. The focus will be
Puckheads ages 7 – 12. They will be invited to attend one session of on ice
introduction to hockey. The target group are kids that can skate but have not
played hockey. These puckships will be split 50/50 boys and girls and we will
be looking for new Canadians to learn our sport.
Bryan Hetherington
Share the Puck has three opportunities for participation. Our
participants are affectionately referred to as “Puckheads” as we want to
get hockey into their heads (and hearts). They will receive funding or
access to the programs through a “Puckship” (a play on scholarship).
Breakaway – this is our introductory Come Try program. The focus will be
Puckheads ages 7 – 12. They will be invited to attend one session of on ice
introduction to hockey. The target group are kids that can skate but have not
played hockey. These puckships will be split 50/50 boys and girls and we will
be looking for new Canadians to learn our sport.