并不是这么容易的。首先要有合理完整的旅行计划。包括每天住在哪儿。是哪个签证官也非常重要!!!我记得我去那天有3个,一个和蔼慈祥的50多岁女官,好几个人在她的窗口没一会就PASS了。一个40多岁微胖男官,神色冷漠。还有一个,我遇见的深色皮肤的胖女官,眼睛下面非常深的黑眼圈。非常TOUGH!!什么文件都要,又几乎都没怎么看。态度非常不耐烦,说话很冲。要小心了!!最初由 Jeanne 发布
you don't have to tell them you are visiting your parents, just tell them you are for leisure traveling, they will give you 6mth anyways. It's not hard at all getting visa for international students, a lot friends of mine got them.As long you have all your papers with you, they will give it to you. Good luck