Y yangf0704 知名会员 VIP 注册 2007-06-03 消息 312 荣誉分数 71 声望点数 138 2012-08-31 #1 请问标准是32psi的轮胎,胎压低于多少就需要充气? 另外,每次充好气后,过一个星期左右胎压只有26,这样正常吗,四个胎都是这样 谢谢
D dkwan 资深人士 注册 2004-06-07 消息 4,419 荣誉分数 398 声望点数 243 2012-08-31 #2 Possible of a slow leak, better go check to make sure.
2 29181 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2011-05-29 消息 2,123 荣誉分数 232 声望点数 123 2012-08-31 #4 Did you test the pressure when the tires are cold? Tire pressure is higher (4-5 psi) when tires are warmer after driving for a while.
Did you test the pressure when the tires are cold? Tire pressure is higher (4-5 psi) when tires are warmer after driving for a while.
Y yangf0704 知名会员 VIP 注册 2007-06-03 消息 312 荣誉分数 71 声望点数 138 2012-08-31 #6 是alloy rims。都是在早上量的。现在问题是4个胎都是一样的。以前还发生过几次其中一个胎瘪了,但是重新打好气又没问题的情况(不是同一个)。我都有点怀疑是不是车停在外面有人在放气
uglyducking 从前有座山 VIP 注册 2003-09-30 消息 79,768 荣誉分数 23,533 声望点数 1,373 2012-08-31 #7 years ago costco tires department could repair(beef up) the alloy rims if they had slow leakage. i used that service once, $8 per tire. i am now sure if they still do it now or not. http://www.startribune.com/business/16264996.html?refer=y Seal on alloy rims likely is causing air leak
years ago costco tires department could repair(beef up) the alloy rims if they had slow leakage. i used that service once, $8 per tire. i am now sure if they still do it now or not. http://www.startribune.com/business/16264996.html?refer=y Seal on alloy rims likely is causing air leak
风的颜色 路人-乙 VIP 注册 2006-10-28 消息 2,514 荣誉分数 56 声望点数 158 2012-09-01 #8 一个星期后26,之后呢?是保持在26还是更低了? 来我们这里查一下吧~~ yangf0704 说: 请问标准是32psi的轮胎,胎压低于多少就需要充气? 另外,每次充好气后,过一个星期左右胎压只有26,这样正常吗,四个胎都是这样 谢谢 点击展开...
一个星期后26,之后呢?是保持在26还是更低了? 来我们这里查一下吧~~ yangf0704 说: 请问标准是32psi的轮胎,胎压低于多少就需要充气? 另外,每次充好气后,过一个星期左右胎压只有26,这样正常吗,四个胎都是这样 谢谢 点击展开...