Labour Day 去Montreal 玩, 停车在街边一市中心政府办公楼前. 当时已经有许多车停在那了. 找了一个空, 停了进去. 随后去Parking Meter付停车费. Parking Meter 总是说cancel, 正纳闷,一位看起来象本地人的华裔对我说,Labour Day, free parking, 然后他就开车离开了. 一想也对, holiday 嘛, 魁省就是不一样, 体贴百姓. (心底其实在琢磨,为什么weekends 收费, Labour Day 不收) 嗨, 政府好心好意,也就别揣测了. ........ 结果不难猜测, $85 fine, "停车于限时段禁止停车处". 这时才注意到一个交通标识, 都是法语, 问了路人, "星期一至星期五 2:30pm-6:30pm 禁parking". 大多这类标牌规定几点到几点收费, 又都是法语, 就没留意. 想来有些窝火:
1. Parking 标识不用双语, 罚单用双语(of course and it really helps visitors)
2. Labour Day 是法定holiday, 是long weekend, 无人上班, very light traffic. 禁parking doesn't make sense.
3. google 了一下, 北美有一些城市明确规定parking meter 和相关parking regulation set for Mon-Fri do not apply to holidays.
有戏 appeal 吗? 罚金是一回事, 觉得unfair, and I wasn't alone, most of the cars parked there got the ticket. Therefore, it was confusing for many people. 不知有没有这一规定的惯例.....
1. Parking 标识不用双语, 罚单用双语(of course and it really helps visitors)
2. Labour Day 是法定holiday, 是long weekend, 无人上班, very light traffic. 禁parking doesn't make sense.
3. google 了一下, 北美有一些城市明确规定parking meter 和相关parking regulation set for Mon-Fri do not apply to holidays.
有戏 appeal 吗? 罚金是一回事, 觉得unfair, and I wasn't alone, most of the cars parked there got the ticket. Therefore, it was confusing for many people. 不知有没有这一规定的惯例.....