第7届“加华杯”乒乓球比赛消息发布以来,得到了广大乒乓球运动爱好者的热烈响应。注册截止时已有60多名选手报名参赛。他们中有上几届比赛的优胜者;有10多岁的青少年,也有年逾古稀的长者;有长期活跃于渥太华乒乓球场的铁杆球迷,也有初来乍到的学生和新手, 还有从Montreal 赶来的高手; 除华裔外,也有其他族裔的朋友。预计今年的比赛将比前几届更精彩激烈,绚丽纷呈。
按计划,比赛将於2012年9月16日(星期日)上午9时在加拿大乒乓球国家队集训中心(18 Louisa Street,Ottawa,K1R 6Y6)举行.
资询请电邮:ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, 或电话:李世友(613-247-1095), 王永智(613-710-8808),肖庆涵 (613-271-9590)。
Note to all players about the details of the event:
Dear all,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank you for your interest in our tournament. We have more than 60 players registered. Here are some details for the event:
1: Date and place:16 September 2012, Sunday,Place: 18 Louisa Street,Ottawa, K1R 6Y6; Two halls on the 2nd floor will be used for the tournament and are available for practice from 8:30 AM;
2: Registration/sign-in starts at 8:30 AM; Registration fee of $10 will be collected at that time. (We will not have score rating for this time due to fewer players interested).
3: Games in two divisions will be started at 9:00 AM. Fail to show-up may result in automatic withdraw.
4:There are 8 groups in each division, with 4 to 5 players in each group. Round robin will be used for the first round of the tournament in a group, where the resultant 1st and 2nd places will advance for the trophies/medals and the 3rd and 4th places will continue for consolation matches during the 2nd round of the tournament, single elimination games.
5: All matches will be based on best of 5, with 11 points per game.
6: On-site parking is free but spaces are limited. Street parking is also free on Sunday.
7:You are responsible for your own lunch and drinks.
8: Demonstration play for ping-pong techniques and skills will be performed by Ms Geng, a former world champion, and her husband before the finals, roughly around 3:00 PM.
9: By registration, all players hereby accept to solely assume full responsibility for any damages of any nature which he/she may suffer or cause to others and hereby hold the tournament organizers free of any liabilities.
Wish you all a wonderful time and all the best. If you have any questions, please contact me at ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, or 613-710-8808.
Yours truly,
Yong-Zhi Wang
on behalf of the organizing committee
P/S: please pass on the information to your friends whom you helped in the registrations. A short notice in Chinese in attched.
(照片: 比赛奖杯奖牌)
第7届“加华杯”乒乓球比赛消息发布以来,得到了广大乒乓球运动爱好者的热烈响应。注册截止时已有60多名选手报名参赛。他们中有上几届比赛的优胜者;有10多岁的青少年,也有年逾古稀的长者;有长期活跃于渥太华乒乓球场的铁杆球迷,也有初来乍到的学生和新手, 还有从Montreal 赶来的高手; 除华裔外,也有其他族裔的朋友。预计今年的比赛将比前几届更精彩激烈,绚丽纷呈。
按计划,比赛将於2012年9月16日(星期日)上午9时在加拿大乒乓球国家队集训中心(18 Louisa Street,Ottawa,K1R 6Y6)举行.
资询请电邮:ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, 或电话:李世友(613-247-1095), 王永智(613-710-8808),肖庆涵 (613-271-9590)。
Note to all players about the details of the event:
Dear all,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank you for your interest in our tournament. We have more than 60 players registered. Here are some details for the event:
1: Date and place:16 September 2012, Sunday,Place: 18 Louisa Street,Ottawa, K1R 6Y6; Two halls on the 2nd floor will be used for the tournament and are available for practice from 8:30 AM;
2: Registration/sign-in starts at 8:30 AM; Registration fee of $10 will be collected at that time. (We will not have score rating for this time due to fewer players interested).
3: Games in two divisions will be started at 9:00 AM. Fail to show-up may result in automatic withdraw.
4:There are 8 groups in each division, with 4 to 5 players in each group. Round robin will be used for the first round of the tournament in a group, where the resultant 1st and 2nd places will advance for the trophies/medals and the 3rd and 4th places will continue for consolation matches during the 2nd round of the tournament, single elimination games.
5: All matches will be based on best of 5, with 11 points per game.
6: On-site parking is free but spaces are limited. Street parking is also free on Sunday.
7:You are responsible for your own lunch and drinks.
8: Demonstration play for ping-pong techniques and skills will be performed by Ms Geng, a former world champion, and her husband before the finals, roughly around 3:00 PM.
9: By registration, all players hereby accept to solely assume full responsibility for any damages of any nature which he/she may suffer or cause to others and hereby hold the tournament organizers free of any liabilities.
Wish you all a wonderful time and all the best. If you have any questions, please contact me at ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, or 613-710-8808.
Yours truly,
Yong-Zhi Wang
on behalf of the organizing committee
P/S: please pass on the information to your friends whom you helped in the registrations. A short notice in Chinese in attched.
(照片: 比赛奖杯奖牌)