各位大虾: 如何办理security clearance?


和什么部门联系? 没有工作能不能先办着? 要花多少银子?多谢!:flaming:
$10, 就近的警察局就可以办

$10, 就近的警察局就可以办

我去年在Bank Street & Sommerset 以西的一个警察局办过.
security clearance 好像有几个等级,去police station 办,能拿到那一级?
Police station? Kidding.
Contact with job agency. They'll do it for you if they think there will be a position for you.
It is impossible to get security clearance from police station. I think you might get confused with other
criminal record checks.

It has been forced to a policy that only candidates with 5 years living in Canada or a country that has
the aggrement to share information with Canada can apply the security clearance.

The basic level is Ehanced Level. It is a must if you apply for a job in Government or even some
private companies in Ottawa region. The next level is Secret. It nees you to stay in Canada 7 years if
I am not wrong. The top level is Top Secret which requries 10 years time. Usually, when you apply a
job in National Defense or Intelligent Agency, they needs Top Secret. Looks like that Enhanced Level
is no longer useful. I find that 50% IT jobs from Government needs Secret Level. Some local Canadians
from Government agrees on that too.

If you like a try, go to some job agency, such as Excel HR, Eagle Professional, Ajilon. But I doubt that
they like to do that for you. The first question they will ask you is that how long have you been in
Canada. If you say less than 5 years, they will tell you directly that you won't get it. It saves their time.
And I guess only if you have a very strong background or a particular skills that they are looking for,
they will try to help you.

Anyway, I have a Enhanced Level. I only landed in later 2000 and got it in 2001. I am the lucky one.