Barbie 蓝调酒吧=*歌星* 注册 2002-04-16 消息 2,842 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-06 #4 谢谢你,NORTHERNWOLF,我给你去了悄悄话,就是问你的碟可以唱卡拉OK吗? 谢谢你!
W WADE 知名会员 注册 2002-07-09 消息 257 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 178 2003-06-06 #6 Search online,then download it's possiable!
N northernwolf 新手上路 VIP 注册 2002-12-16 消息 5,281 荣誉分数 83 声望点数 0 2003-06-07 #8 最初由 Barbie 发布 谢谢你,NORTHERNWOLF,我给你去了悄悄话,就是问你的碟可以唱卡拉OK吗? 谢谢你! 点击展开... Hi Barbie, Unfortunately, the CD is just a ragular song CD, it is not a Karaok CD. If you still need it, I can copy one for you. NW
最初由 Barbie 发布 谢谢你,NORTHERNWOLF,我给你去了悄悄话,就是问你的碟可以唱卡拉OK吗? 谢谢你! 点击展开... Hi Barbie, Unfortunately, the CD is just a ragular song CD, it is not a Karaok CD. If you still need it, I can copy one for you. NW
Barbie 蓝调酒吧=*歌星* 注册 2002-04-16 消息 2,842 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-07 #9 NW, Thanks for your timely help, though I have already got a right edition. Hope you can enjoy the show soon! Barbie
NW, Thanks for your timely help, though I have already got a right edition. Hope you can enjoy the show soon! Barbie
N northernwolf 新手上路 VIP 注册 2002-12-16 消息 5,281 荣誉分数 83 声望点数 0 2003-06-07 #10 Where and when? Looking forward to ......