24M冬衣一套 带帽子 $15,almost new
2-3岁 羽绒服 $8 - only used few times -多买多送
2-3岁 棉衣马甲 $5 each - All New
Disney 棉衣外套,毛衣 $8 each
Gymboree 毛衣 $5
毛背心+防水裤子 $8
Mexx 衬衣+裤子 $10 almost new
Old navy 外套+裤子 $8 almost new
毛衣背心 $5 new with tag
All together: $60 with more free toy and clothes. Please QQH if you're interested. Thanks,
2-3岁 羽绒服 $8 - only used few times -多买多送
2-3岁 棉衣马甲 $5 each - All New
Disney 棉衣外套,毛衣 $8 each
Gymboree 毛衣 $5
毛背心+防水裤子 $8
Mexx 衬衣+裤子 $10 almost new
Old navy 外套+裤子 $8 almost new
毛衣背心 $5 new with tag
All together: $60 with more free toy and clothes. Please QQH if you're interested. Thanks,