Amanda Todd's Story: Struggling, Bullying, Suicide, Self Harm #RIPAmandaTodd


[ame=""]Amanda Todd's Story: Struggling, Bullying, Suicide, Self Harm #RIPAmandaTodd - YouTube[/ame]

This poor girl was a victim of the ever deterioriating morality of the society, a consequence of the rejection of God due to the evil influence of Darwenism and atheism.
If she had been relationship with Jesus, she would have been full of peace and joy from God.:)
I wonder what happened to her parents - have they done their best to help her?

Has the school done their best to help her?

In my opinion, it is an education failure, just like a Chinese student jumps down from a school building because of failure of exams.
Good question!:)

Others should help her, but maybe they can just provide her with a temporary relief.

Our god is the best "teacher"!:cool::)
This poor girl was a victim of the ever deterioriating morality of the society, a consequence of the rejection of God due to the evil influence of Darwenism and atheism.

probably the most of the bullies believe in god since the north america is predominantly religious as christians claimed.
Good question!:)

Others should help her, but maybe they can just provide her with a temporary relief.

Our god is the best "teacher"!:cool::)

Amen! Let's hurry up to spread the God's GOOD NEWS, that is Jesus is our mighty saver.
modern witch christian witch hunt

Yeah, let's hurry up spreading the artificial partitions of humanity and let's hurry up spreading barbaric infatuation invented by barbaric shepherds some thousands ago.
Yeah, let's hurry up spreading the artificial partitions of humanity and let's hurry up spreading barbaric infatuation invented by barbaric shepherds some thousands ago.

Your pride is not doing any good to you and will never do. Unfortunately, you have to trust me on this.
Your pride is not going any good to you and will never do. Unfortunately, you have to trust me on this.

Your knowledge on Christianity and religion as whole is misguided and distorted. Wonder what group did Mr Chris belongs to?

Fortunately, I don't have to trust a theist.


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Anything that god hates is caused by original sin.:)

god" hates"?. you need to spend more time reading bible.
god isn't capable of hatred according to bible. god only commits genocide because of "love".
耶稣早对他的门徒们说过,世人会恨你们。将来有一天,根据启示录,天下要与基督徒为敌。所以, 你那个图中,属于新教的部分将会是越来越小(暂且称之基督徒受世人喜欢的喜欢指数)。天主教的实践中有拜偶像现象,那些拜偶像的人将不是基督徒。