I used perfume all the time when I was working before, but now ...

I just refresh my memory and see if it helps.
I strongly agree with mahomet's comment, perfume is very personal, different people like different smells, like Chanel No.5, groups of people like it, groups of people don't like it on the contrary. As a matter of fact, I don't like Chanel No. 5 at all, I perfer Chanel No. 19. Beside, different situation need different perfume.
1. For women of office wear.
CK one, which is design around 1994, for day time wear, smelling is neutral.
Hugo by Hugo Boss for women, flowery scent, very refresh and clean smell.
(Personally, I think it's not bad.

Envy by Gucci for women, classific flowery fragrance, it's recommended for office wear.
Leau DIssey by Issey Miyake, very fresh, smelling like lily, can also use for casual wear.
(This is my first birthday perfume gift in my life.

Cold water by Davidoff, very light smell, with ocean air.
Bvlgari Extreme by Bvlgari, very strong for long last, with green tea especially.
(I never used it, think it's too strong, but some people really like.)
5Th Avenue by Elizabeth Arden, fresh flowery scent, many office girls favorite.
This is for office wear that I can recommend. Personally, I like Issey Miyake very much, I used to
spray every day.