L llmghg 新手上路 注册 2002-04-07 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-04-07 #1 :flaming: 我们两个是新移民,想登陆OTTAWA,据说现在的工作非常难找,想想退路也只能去上学了,想上2002年FALL卡尔顿计算机通信工程专业本科或MASTER,但在国内没有考托福,不知现在还能申请到么?有在卡尔顿上学的学生么请与我联系,假设我上卡尔顿语言学习班,一个TERM需要多少钱?万分感谢!
:flaming: 我们两个是新移民,想登陆OTTAWA,据说现在的工作非常难找,想想退路也只能去上学了,想上2002年FALL卡尔顿计算机通信工程专业本科或MASTER,但在国内没有考托福,不知现在还能申请到么?有在卡尔顿上学的学生么请与我联系,假设我上卡尔顿语言学习班,一个TERM需要多少钱?万分感谢!
G gdntfrank 知名会员 注册 2002-01-25 消息 2,742 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 146 2002-04-08 #2 It may be too late to apply for the master. And a TOEFL of 580 is needed for the application. If you still have time, better to take TOEFL in China. The computer test is more difficult. I don't know too much about bachelor and ESL. Good luck!
It may be too late to apply for the master. And a TOEFL of 580 is needed for the application. If you still have time, better to take TOEFL in China. The computer test is more difficult. I don't know too much about bachelor and ESL. Good luck!