appletree 有个pediatrician, 每周二-周六上班,可以预约,也可以当天约(通常可以约到),她人很好。下面的信息是我家小孩见她时给的。 我都是当天约。比如我今天早上约的到下午4点见她。
Dr. Lynn M. Jacoby
By appoinment: Well Baby or Annual Exams, parent concerns, follow up and consultations
(same day appointments books by 613-482-0118, or stop by the clinic to see if there is a cancellation in the schedule
Tuesadys (2948 baseline) 9am- 5pm
Wesnesdays (2948 baseline) 9am- 5pm
Thurdays (1582 bank) 1pm- 8pm
Fridays (1582 bank) 9am- 5pm
Open office only: recent conserns, vaccines: NO Well Baby or Annual Exams)
Saturdays (1582 bank) 10am- 4pm