


最近学校老师罢工,抗议安省政府的新提案,Bill 115. 个人意见,反对学校老师罢工。这不但给我们做家长的带来很多不便,关键是耽搁孩子学习。我非常尊敬老师,他们和我们家长一起,担负着培养下一代人的使命。安省教师这个职业,比较其它行业,我觉得他们的福利待遇还是很不错的。劳资纠纷可以协商解决,但是不能以孩子教育为代价。如果您也支持省政府的Bill 115, 请您在这个Petition上签名。每一位家长都有权利发表自己的意见!


详细了解Bill 115:

Wish there is a page to sign against the government posing the bill.
Teachers are hard workers and deserve to be well treated so they can devote themselves to our kids:(
Wish there is a page to sign against the government posing the bill.
Teachers are hard workers and deserve to be well treated so they can devote themselves to our kids:(

If you do a google search, there are many petitions that SUPPORT teachers go on strike. Hundreds of people has signed up for those petitions.

It is hard for me to believe that there are so few people in Ontario that support the government's bill. That is why I signed the petition and passed it on to CFC. I believe that there are many more parents have a say on this matter. We should be heard as well.

As a parent, I respect and appreciate school teachers. I do my part to support their work at home, and take time off my work to volunteer at school. Appreciation does not equal to supporting them go on strike. No job should be easily walked away, especially when it comes to our children.
I am strongly against teacher's strike or any strike from public sector since we have no other choices but to suffer. Also as taxpayers, we have the right for the service they provide and we are their customers. Strikes from public sectors should be deemed illegal! On the moral side, teachers should not sacrifice young generation's education right for their own benefit. With the weak economy, everyone needs to sacrifice at certain extent not just them. People have no say when they are laid off in the private sectors because of fierce competition. However, I do think the process is not fair for teachers. Some agreement should be reached before the law was passed.


If you do a google search, there are many petitions that SUPPORT teachers go on strike. Hundreds of people has signed up for those petitions.

It is hard for me to believe that there are so few people in Ontario that support the government's bill. That is why I signed the petition and passed it on to CFC. I believe that there are many more parents have a say on this matter. We should be heard as well.

As a parent, I respect and appreciate school teachers. I do my part to support their work at home, and take time off my work to volunteer at school. Appreciation does not equal to supporting them go on strike. No job should be easily walked away, especially when it comes to our children.