If you're carrying a credit card balance at the moment (certainly possible after the holidays), you may be looking at your credit card options. One card to consider is the MBNA Platinum Plus MasterCard, which has a 0% interest rate for 10 months on balance transfers and no annual fee. Here's a closer look at the card's features:
Click here to apply now!
Note that you won't see any mention of this in the application -- the $100 bonus is offered by RedFlagDeals.com itself and only through our cash back program. Assuming you are approved, it may take up to 5 weeks to see this bonus in your account.
Our special offer (the $100 bonus) is valid until January 31, 2013.
- 0% annual interest rate (AIR) on balance transfers, access cheques and deposits for the first 10 full months (for the first 10 billing cycles, 19.99% thereafter)
- $0 annual fee
- Credit limit up to $100,000
- Platinum perks including extended warranty benefits and free car rental insurance
Click here to apply now!
Note that you won't see any mention of this in the application -- the $100 bonus is offered by RedFlagDeals.com itself and only through our cash back program. Assuming you are approved, it may take up to 5 weeks to see this bonus in your account.
Our special offer (the $100 bonus) is valid until January 31, 2013.