卖掉: You yourself have to deal with your buyer, you want to sell more, buyer wants to pay less! You probably have to have SAFETY Test (from your pocket or buyer's pocket?)
There is a BLACK Book which has car retained value after certain period, and that is how Government charges used car tax (Not what buyer reported to them, which most buyers try to claim they pay LESS hence less tax). If buyer bought a used car from dealer or used car company, then user pays tax according to the sales agreement.
If you trade in your car for a new one, you only have to pay tax on the difference between NEW car and your trade in car value.
If your car is XYZ, XYZ dealers will give you better trade in value.
If you trade in your car to another company, say PQR(say trade in car is Honda, and you want a Cadillac), PQR has to sell your trade in car to USED car company and don't expect used car company give you value, used car company has to make profit.
Everything I said is just common sense.
The good thing of leasing a car is you always have a new car every four years, you just return the car to car leasing company.
Good luck