The apparel sales continue with Stylexchange putting out a very good limited time promotion. Right now, you can take 60% off select regularly priced items which makes this a good time to head on over and pad your closet full of discounted brand name merchandise. There's lots to see with over 450 items each for men and women so we're sure there's something you'll find that interests you. We've provided a small sample of sale items below:
Men's Sale Items
Shipping is free on orders over $100.
Men's Sale Items
- Its Noize Heavy Yarn Fur Lined Sweater - $47.40
- JC Rags Button High-Neck - $89.40
- Joat Kawaii Spiderman - $15.60
- Anthony Morato Striped Button Up Shirt - $53.40
- Alternative Apparel 3/4 Henley Tee - $27
- Fluo Sequin Sleeves Blazer - $69
- Naked Zebra Open Sheer - $41.40
- Numero Zip Up with Stones - $29.95
Shipping is free on orders over $100.