After an accident
The Mercedes-Benz safety program has a number of post-accident technologies to reduce collateral damage and assist first responders.
The engine is switched off automatically and the fuel supply is cut off.
Hazard warning lamps and emergency interior lighting are activated automatically to prevent rear collision and make it easier for rescue workers to find the vehicle.
Doors are automatically unlocked. Integrated crash joints between the fender and door allow rescue workers to open doors easily after a frontal collision.
As part of the POST-SAFE® functions, the new M-Class can activate a variety of systems which can contribute towards avoiding post-accident risks. After a more serious crash, the hazard warning lights are automatically activated to warn surrounding traffic. At the same time, the doors are automatically unlocked so that the emergency services have the best possible unrestricted access to the passengers. And thanks to partial opening of the side windows, the interior is better ventilated after deployment of the restraint systems.