

每年的这个季节都有好多关于RRSP 文章.都是说好处的,尤其是避税.但很少有人讲讲他的缺点?这两天又听说:即便是65岁之后取出,也不是都给存款人.银行要为政府扣除一部分,好像5000以下和以上还有区别,即%不同.有明白人给讲讲吗?
Never heard about this. This is your money and nobody can take any portion from you.

每年的这个季节都有好多关于RRSP 文章.都是说好处的,尤其是避税.但很少有人讲讲他的缺点?这两天又听说:即便是65岁之后取出,也不是都给存款人.银行要为政府扣除一部分,好像5000以下和以上还有区别,即%不同.有明白人给讲讲吗?

Rrsp withholding tax,银行扣除的是税。根据取出的数额不同,withholding tax rate不同。这个是按照一笔的数额算的,不是总额。最后你报税的时候多退少补的。
Sophia, think of RRSP as a tool to defer your taxes. if you are making decent money you are in a higher tax bracket and pay more taxes, you will pay less taxes once you get to the age of 65 assuming you are not makign as much money. The % you mentioned is related to withholding taxes. Hope it helps!
谢谢楼上各位的答复! 现在明白多了.
谢谢楼上各位的答复! 现在明白多了.

Do you know there is something called Spousal RRSP?

E.g If your spouse has NO income, you can buy spousal RRSP. Your spouse is the recipient of the RRSP, and RRSP receipt is issued to you to file tax return. Your spouse can redeem the money three years after you have stopped contributing money into that spousal RRSP. (Hey, may be high paying husbands should think about this, it is not too late now...)
Spousal RRSP是用来平衡夫妻双方未来收入的手段。如果一方一直有收入而另一方没有,将来退休后CPP再加上RRSP会多交很多税。几年前联邦政府引入了Pension Splitting,Spousal RRSP的作用就不明显了。
目前Pension Splitting最大的问题是最多只能Split 50%,所以高收入一方还是会收入多一点,但差别不会太大。除非有特殊情况,一般不大需要Spousal RRSP。
Spousal RRSP是用来平衡夫妻双方未来收入的手段。如果一方一直有收入而另一方没有,将来退休后CPP再加上RRSP会多交很多税。几年前联邦政府引入了Pension Splitting,Spousal RRSP的作用就不明显了。
目前Pension Splitting最大的问题是最多只能Split 50%,所以高收入一方还是会收入多一点,但差别不会太大。除非有特殊情况,一般不大需要Spousal RRSP。

If a person married and divorced many times, spousal RRSP is not a good idea....
If a person married and divorced many times, spousal RRSP is not a good idea....
I contributed $17,000 RRSP in 2011 but only deducted $7000 in 2011 which means there is a $10,000 unused contribution. My 2011 tax assessment says I have RRSP contribution room of $22,000 for 2012. My question is: can I contribute $22,000 in total before March 1, 2013, or I should only contribute $12,000 because of the unused contribution last year?
I contributed $17,000 RRSP in 2011 but only deducted $7000 in 2011 which means there is a $10,000 unused contribution. My 2011 tax assessment says I have RRSP contribution room of $22,000 for 2012. My question is: can I contribute $22,000 in total before March 1, 2013, or I should only contribute $12,000 because of the unused contribution last year?

See your 2011 NOA, there is "Your RRSP deduction limit for 2012".

If $22,000 is the number, the answer is yes.
刚明白点儿,现在又糊涂了.给配偶买RRSP ?如果配偶没工作,即没有RRSP的指标,怎么会给配偶买呢?还是可以用本人的RRSP指标?