One-way flights from Bellingham to Honolulu are available from just $109 each way with taxes and fees from Allegiant and on Alaska Airlines you'll find fares from just $159 each way.
For some idea of the savings these fares represent, our sample trip dates of April 8-21 on Allegiant will cost you just $225.98 for return flight to Honolulu with all taxes and fees included (though all baggage costs, including carry-on are extra). For the same travel dates, the lowest available fare out of Vancouver on Air Canada is $964.18! If you prefer to fly into Maui, we found return trips from Bellingham on Allegiant for just $345.98.
Over at Alaska Airlines you'll pay $317 for your return flight, a little more than Allegiant, but there are a lot more available travel dates and you are allowed one free carry-on bag per passenger (price based on our sample trip of March 1-15).
Naturally, seats at these fares won't last long and are subject to availability, the Allegiant deals in particular seem to be going quickly. For more information, or to book your flights, visit AllegiantAir.com or AlaskaAir.com.