请问关于ALT program


我在选择孩子学校的时候除了EFI , REG ,还有一个是ALT ,我就不懂ALT program是关于什么的。哪位知道请简单介绍一下。

我们区的ALT 就是Grant Alternative这所,有没有哪位知道这所学校怎么样?

还有想问一问有没有谁家的孩子上Agincourt Road PS ,这所学校好吗?
ALT Program
Assistant Language Teacher (ALT)

These participants are engaged in English language instruction. ALTs are placed mainly in local boards of education or public elementary, junior high and/or senior high schools. There are a very limited number of cases in which participants are placed in private schools through prefectural offices or designated city offices.
(*Designated Cities: Twenty Japanese cities with populations of 500,000 or more designated by government ordinance: Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama, Chiba, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Sagamihara, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya, Hamamatsu, Kyoto, Osaka, Sakai, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima, Kita-Kyushu, Fukuoka and Kumamoto.)

Participants who are assigned to local boards of education or elementary, junior high and/or senior high schools work as Assistant Language Teachers under the guidance of Language Teachers' Consultants or Japanese Teachers of English, as specified by the supervision and/or principal of the Board of Education and/or school.

The following is a brief outline of duties, though they may vary from one contracting organization to another:

a. Assistance in classes taught by Japanese Teachers of English in elementary schools, junior and/or senior high schools;

b. Assistance in English language education, usually conversation training, at elementary schools;

c. Assistance in the preparation of supplementary materials for teaching English;

d. Assistance in the language training of Japanese Teachers of English;

e. Assistance in the instruction of English language clubs;

f. Providing of information on language and other related subjects for people such as Teachers’ Consultants and Japanese Teachers of English (e.g., word usage, pronunciation, etc.);

g. Assistance in English language speech contests;

h. Participation in local international exchange activities;

i. Other duties as specified by the contracting organization;