如果你的policy 是20 payment. 是不是你一定要负完20 payment 呢 不管市场好坏?还是根据市场回报,有可能只付 7 payment (例如)?如果是这样,那么payment 的标准是什么呢?
Similar Questions

Thanks for your sharing your expertise. I have the similar questions as Beaver11.

In the Par Life Policy, it is stated that the policy onwer needs to pay 20 annual payments. As you mentioned earlier, there is Cash Account to hold the dividend, which is belong to the policy owner.

Is it possible for the policy owner to use the Cash Account to pay the premium? For instance, if the policy owner has continously paid 6 or 7 annual premiums, is it possible the policy owner can stop the annual payment (for the next 14 years) and keep the policy in force? And in addition to that, if market return is good, (7%), he/she may still have some retirement supplement after saving 20 years?

What is going yo happen if one stops paying premium after paying 6-7years? Does this depend on the market performance? Or as policy requested, one has to pay 20 payments?

Many Thanks.
听说 London Life 的分红保险,如果每年投三万,投六年后,剩下的14年的保费就不用再继续从自己的腰包里付了. 用现金帐户里的钱就能付其余14年的保费了.如果经济不好,最多再付2年从自己的腰包里.是这样好吗? 而Sunlife 的要投大约10年从自己的腰包里.其余10年才能从现金帐户里的钱付. 不知是否如此?
what this meant to par life buyers? Seems the dividend will be reduced from 2013. Then it is not fair to advertise the product the average dividend rate at 7%, because it will much lower than for sure.
BTW, what is the dividend rate of London Life par in the past 3 or 4 years? It is ok to look into long term history of the product, but it is MORE important to consider the near term history too.
Thanks for the answers.

"London Life 2013 participating policyowner dividend scale announcement
New dividend scale effective Jan. 1, 2013
On Nov. 8, 2012, the Board of Directors of London Life approved a reduction to the dividend scale for
all London Life and former Prudential individual participating life insurance policies effective Jan. 1,
The investment environment continues to be challenging because of volatile equity markets and low
interest rates. With yields historically low, London Life’s participating life insurance products continue
to be competitive and provide a history of strong, stable performance. This reduction in the dividend
scale helps maintain the integrity, strength and stability of the London Life participating account.
In 2013, London Life will distribute an estimated $722 million
in participating life insurance
policyowner dividends.
Full-year estimates at Sept. 30, 2012"

对于分红率,现在市场上london life是最低的,我现在卖的更多的是sunlife和manulife的产品。既然sunlife过去能够做到那么高的分红率,现在也能做到,将来做到的可能性还是蛮大的。但反观london life,过去做的分红率就不太高,现在是市场上最低了,随着低利率时代的来临,它的分红率往下的概率是很大的(从08年的7.3%到09年的7.1%到10年的6.9%到11年的6.4%再到12年的5.9%),所以今后它的分红率就必须打一个大大的问号了。

Thanks for the response!
It is nice to know sunlife and manulife offer higher dividend rate. If London life cannot maintain its rate even 6.4% or 5.9%, why sunlife and manulife can do better? While I understand they may still offer higher rate (than london life), but can they maintain the rate at current level for long? Basically I am asking what is the worst case for the dividend rate. Do you have something to show in the history data? It is probably difficult because the interest rate has not been as low as now for long time. Anyway, any inputs from you are appreciate.
Questions on Internal Rate of Return vs Dividend Rate

Many thanks for your seminar, and I like your down-to-earth style.

I have questions on Internal Rate of Return, which is many agents used to generate the illustrations for Par Policy. My questions are:

1. what the relationship between the Internal Rate of Return and the Dividend Rate? Should these two be the same?
2. Who has authority to determine what Internal Rate of Return should be used? The insurance company or the agents? Is there a rule that shoud be followed when the company or agent select the Internal rate of Return?
3. If the Internal rate of return is beyond the public common sense, is it considered as misleading?

Many thanks,

Yours reader