O ohrichard 知名会员 注册 2002-05-06 消息 199 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 128 2003-06-21 #1 各位大侠: 小弟急需要Security Clearance以作找工作之用. 不知要TAKE多长时间? 不妨把各自的AGENT 和相应花的时间例出来, 以作参考. 另: 小弟已到此4 years. xiele!!
各位大侠: 小弟急需要Security Clearance以作找工作之用. 不知要TAKE多长时间? 不妨把各自的AGENT 和相应花的时间例出来, 以作参考. 另: 小弟已到此4 years. xiele!!
N novice 新手上路 注册 2002-03-22 消息 526 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-22 #2 Are you a Canadian citizen now ? If not, forget the security clearance. If you are a Canadian citizen, you can apply Enhance level. I got my Enhance level using 7 weeks.
Are you a Canadian citizen now ? If not, forget the security clearance. If you are a Canadian citizen, you can apply Enhance level. I got my Enhance level using 7 weeks.