Here's another good opportunity for travellers out of BC to save on train fares aboard Amtrak Cascades.
During their latest 3-Day Sale, you'll score deals like $19 to Seattle from Vancouver, $7 to Bellingham from Vancouver, or $16 to Portland from Seattle (each way, before taxes). Sale fares are valid on travel between April 9-May 2, 2013 when booked by March 14.
Tickets at these rates are non-refundable and seating is limited. For more information, or to book your trip, visit by March 14.
During their latest 3-Day Sale, you'll score deals like $19 to Seattle from Vancouver, $7 to Bellingham from Vancouver, or $16 to Portland from Seattle (each way, before taxes). Sale fares are valid on travel between April 9-May 2, 2013 when booked by March 14.
Tickets at these rates are non-refundable and seating is limited. For more information, or to book your trip, visit by March 14.