Title: Summers Day
Description: Early summer and the oilseed rape was in full bloom, with a vivid blue sky (intesified with polariser)
By: ian.oliver@freenet.co.uk
Added: 18 Jun 2003
Camera used: Canon EOS3
Lens used: 28-105 zoom
Film used: Velvia
Title: Blea Tarn 2
Description: Blea Tarn in the Lake District, on an overcast day at the end of November.
By: ian.oliver@freenet.co.uk
Added: 20 Jun 2003
Camera used: Canon EOS3
Lens used: 75-300mm Zoom
Film used: Fuji Velvia
Title: The Little Bridge
Description: Toned In PS.
By: alexruiz
Added: 18 Jun 2003
Camera used: Canon EOS Elan 7E
Lens used: 22-55mm
Film used: Fuji Realoa
Title: Vatican Steps
Description: The spiral staircase in the Vatican museum in Rome. Taken when I had a few spare days last summer. Hand held at 1/30 at 24mm. HP5+ shot @ 320asa and then overdeveloped by 10%. I shot 4 frames - this is the best one - I waited for the guy to move into the bottom left corner. No Photoshop.
By: stephen_gale
Added: 04 Jun 2003
Camera used: F90x
Lens used: 24-120mm
Film used: HP5+
Title: Buttermere Fence
Description: My version of a classic view, with frozen lake, not as most visitors would see or photograph it.
By: railton
Added: 07 May 2003
Camera used: Mamiya 1000s tripod mounted
Lens used: 80mm fitted with 81c warm up and grad grey
Film used: Fuji Velvia f22 @ 1/4 sec
My favorite is this "Sunset @ Sta Maria Della Salute", reminds me of the famous Monet painting of the Houses of Parliament. I've seen one version of this painting in person at the Chicago Art Institute. It was breath-takingly beautiful.