For Canadian travellers able to fly out of select US airports, Allegiant Air's Tax Deadline Sale is a good way to save on your flights to destinations like Las Vegas, Honolulu, Orlando, San Francisco and others.
Eligible travel dates vary by destination, with most valid time periods occurring in the month of June. Here's a look at some of the flight deals we noticed (prices listed here are one-way and include taxes):
Eligible travel dates vary by destination, with most valid time periods occurring in the month of June. Here's a look at some of the flight deals we noticed (prices listed here are one-way and include taxes):
- Bellingham, WA - Las Vegas: $69
- Bellingham, WA - Honolulu: $109
- Niagara Falls, NY - Orlando: $52
- Plattsburgh, NY - Fort Myers/Punta Gorda, FL: $66