Get them while they last! Hot off the press, there are some new P&G brandSAVER Coupons available to take advantage of but, as always, quantities are limited. This is a very popular promotion, unsurprisingly, as who doesn't love free coupons for brand name products?
The coupons are available for all but those without a profile will need to set one up, fill out a survey and go from there.
The website is a little off and on, probably due to massive overload, so please be patient. The coupons should arrive in your mailbox within 4-6 weeks.
The coupons are available for all but those without a profile will need to set one up, fill out a survey and go from there.
The website is a little off and on, probably due to massive overload, so please be patient. The coupons should arrive in your mailbox within 4-6 weeks.