S susu17 新手上路 注册 2003-01-01 消息 202 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-27 #1 现有如下物品甩卖,若有兴趣,请联系773-4569: 1.电视:20"彩色电视,有遥控,无字幕,$60 2.三人沙发+单人沙发:$50 3.计算机桌+书架+放打印机,扫描仪的桌子:$90 4.茶几:$6 5.自行车头盔:$4 6.滑雪用具:滑雪板+滑雪杆$50 7.购物车:$5 8.仰卧起坐运动器:$10 9.洗衣篮:$2 10.大餐桌:$80 11.木头椅子:$2/个,共2个 12.椅子:$5/个,共2个 13.台灯;$4
现有如下物品甩卖,若有兴趣,请联系773-4569: 1.电视:20"彩色电视,有遥控,无字幕,$60 2.三人沙发+单人沙发:$50 3.计算机桌+书架+放打印机,扫描仪的桌子:$90 4.茶几:$6 5.自行车头盔:$4 6.滑雪用具:滑雪板+滑雪杆$50 7.购物车:$5 8.仰卧起坐运动器:$10 9.洗衣篮:$2 10.大餐桌:$80 11.木头椅子:$2/个,共2个 12.椅子:$5/个,共2个 13.台灯;$4
J jackywyy 初级会员 注册 2003-05-17 消息 13,690 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-06-27 #3 Do you have delivery? Discount for combined purchase?
demon 新手上路 注册 2003-06-05 消息 125 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-27 #4 i'm interested in your 仰卧起坐运动器. do you have the pic?
S susu17 新手上路 注册 2003-01-01 消息 202 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-06-27 #7 最初由 justin8848 发布 Do you have delivery? Discount for combined purchase? 点击展开... There is discount for combined purchase.As about the delivery,I am not sure,depends where you live and what you buy.
最初由 justin8848 发布 Do you have delivery? Discount for combined purchase? 点击展开... There is discount for combined purchase.As about the delivery,I am not sure,depends where you live and what you buy.