BBQ and volleyball for International students‏


Dear International Students:

With the spring weather now here it is good to meet out doors. We want to offer you some unique Canadian experiences this summer, while you are a visitor to Canada.

The first is a Canadian style Barbeque Supper at Hog’s Back Park with volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, badminton and soccer etc. Come early so you can have time to join in all the games.

( This date is a change from the Schedule planned –Please note this change of date)

Saturday May 25th from 3:00PM to 8:00PM

Cost is 5.00$

Bring your friends,

a good appetite,

And make new friends

Please reply to Bev at if you plan to come.

The event will take place in ‘Hogs back Park Park’ which is on Hog’s Back Road ( a short road running betweenMeadowlands at Prince of Wales drive, and Brookfield at Riverside Drive.)

Transportation will NOT be provided this time, from the Universities.

Take Bus 87 south

It can be picked up at Ottawa U campus and also from Westboro, Hurdman Station, Billings Bridge station and others. The bus will enter a residential area from BrookfieldRoad. Note when you arrive at Brookfield and GET OFF OF THE BUS HERE. You will have to walk west and cross Riverside Drive. You now enter Hog’s Back Road and the park is on the right.

We will be visible from the Hog’s back Road

Bus 111 stops at Meadowlands and Prince of Wales Drive

It can be picked up at Billings Bridge Transit station. Get off the bus when it turned from Prince of Wales onto Meadowland Drive. Walk (east) on Hog’s Back Road towards the river and you will see the Park will be on your left.

Hog’s back Park is very close to Moonies Bay Park, but it isnorth of Moonies Bay

If there are various groups in the park, look for the sign ‘International Students-Volleyball and BBQ’ Please come to the registration table when you arrive in the park.

We hope you will keep this date free and join us for the afternoon.

This event is sponsored by Friends Around theWorldwhich is associated with the national organization ‘International Student Ministries Canada’ and is a Christian club which offers all International students, our friendship and a ‘Canadian Cultural experience’

Bev Boyle –representative for ‘International Student Ministries Canada’
